View Full Version : Can this be anxiety

06-03-10, 13:54
I have been suffering with anxiety now for the last three months and recently have started experiencing muscular pains/cramps in my hand and arm and also in my leg. I'm not sure how muscle pain can be linked to anxiety. I also have blurred vision, diziness and what feels like internal sunburn. I am just wandering whether someone else has experienced similar symptons as I'm concerned it may be something other that anxiety.

Many thanks

06-03-10, 14:12
It's very unlikely to be caused by anything other than anxiety - although I know it's hard to accept and worrying. Chronic anxiety unfortunately causes muscle tension, even though we're not conscious of it most of the time. Also your nervous system becomes over-sensitised and along with the tension can cause all sorts of weird (and frightening) sensory disturbances. Then there are the side effects of any meds you're on...

I've had all of your symptoms: muscle pain, dizziness, vision problems etc. Unless any of them become unbearable, try to concentrate on treating your anxiety.

Hope you feel better soon.

06-03-10, 16:55
Thanks for your reply.
I went on Citalopram for one week, but was adviced to come off it as a result of convulsions. I am now (for the last four days) on Tricyclic and old fashioned anti-depressant, but only on 10mg as I am so sensitive to drugs. After posting the thread I lay down and had the most intense burning shooting pains in my head which carrier on for about 10 minutes and also had real burning in the back of my eyes. I am just finding it so incredibly difficult to accept that anxiety can cause all this and is continually worried that it is something much bigger.

06-03-10, 18:07

That fact that are being treated by your GP for what sounds like anxiety should be your comfort. All the feelings and symptoms you describe have been experienced by many people. Including the internal sunburn