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View Full Version : Just returned from A&E :c

06-03-10, 14:15
Hi everyone ! had a pretty traumatic morning !
woke up and felt like i couldn't breathe ! ignored it until about 10am when i was sat eating breakfast and suddenly felt very nauseous , very light headed , my ears went all blocked - those feelings you get when you're about to pass out , i ran upstairs , my mum tried to calm me down but i was terrified ! it felt different this time because it felt like i had something lodged in my chest , my head felt cloudy and blocked , i just was convinced i was going to die ! i demanded we go to the hospital , so we did .
blood pressure was perfect , oxygen levels were perfect :weep: then i saw a doctor who checked my ears , eyes , listened to my chest , everything was fine she said and it's just a viral infection .

i'm just convinced it's a brain tumor or something they've missed , because even now i'm back from the hospital i feel so uneasy , when i see my doctor or the few times i've been to hospital it puts my mind at rest but not this time , i'm convinced im going to drop down dead at any moment , i just don't feel right , my head is still so cloudy and i'm so nervous i want to burst out crying :weep:

i really really think i'm going to die , i can't shake the morbid thoughts .

please someone help !

06-03-10, 14:43
Hiya sorry that you are not feeling too good right now, take comfort you have been check out by the hospital and they haven't found anything wrong with you. I know this is easier said than done but try to relax, distract yourself, maybe get some of your friends to come around for a chat and some laughs.

You are not going to die it's anxiety.



06-03-10, 15:05
Sorry you are feeling as you are and that you had to go to hospital.
If you had a brain tumour or anything serious, it would have been picked up on at the hospital and you would still have been there.
Anxiety makes us think we have something that we don't. I always think I have something terrible going on and that is even now when I am on medication!
What you describe sounds like anxiety and panic and when my anxiety used to be really bad, what you described, is how I would feel. I thought I was choking whenever I was eating. I was always being sick and feeling nauseas. (spelt wrong!)
Mornings were always the worst for me too and as the day went on I began to feel better.
What were you eating for breakfast? Did you have much caffeine or anything too sugary? They can make anxiety worse. I can't touch coffee or I get panicky a short while afterwards. It is just a thought.
Anxiety can make us feel like we are going to die. The symptoms can be awful. I don't think anyone knows how bad it can be until they have suffered with it.
The morbid thoughts are part of anxiety.
I know it is easier said than done, but try and find ways that work for you to help you relax which will ease your anxiety. For me, if I had the impending doom feelings coming, I would have a bath and put some relaxing music on, or when it was possible I would lie down, curl up and get some sleep. It did help me.
The more I researched anxiety and what it does, also helped me a lot, plus using this site, because I felt then less frightened about what was happening to me.
Do you take any medication to help or have any counselling?
I hope you feel better as the day goes on.
Hugs :hugs:

06-03-10, 16:37
If all you sats were ok I wouldn't worry at all. When we do BP, oxygen levels etc... it gives us a good indication if anything is wrong with a patient, hence why they are checked so regular on the wards.

Take comfort in that they sent you home and try to rest up and relax tonight xxx

06-03-10, 16:46
Oh no, that does sound traumatic. I have been in the same situation myself and I know how it feels, but Im sure its all caused by anxiety and nothing else like the docs have said. Try to relax and get something to eat, maybe have a sleep if you can. I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

06-03-10, 16:55
So sorry you've had a terrible experience. It sounds like a classic anxiety attack and although normal very very scary.

Next time you feel it starting try to do something to distract yourself such as watching tv, reading a book, going on the computer or for a walk etc. Distraction is what works best for me

06-03-10, 16:57
Gavin & Stacey dvd, it always goes on when I feel abit low or anxious, which I have over the last 3 months at times, works wonders, haha!

Just try and distract yourself, it all sounds anxiety related xx

06-03-10, 18:01
PoppyC - i currently take 10mg of propranolol 4 times a day , and i'm on the nhs waiting list for counseling at the moment !

Thank you all for your replies . i've been okay over the past few hours but now i'm starting to get really anxious again cause i feel generally unwell and ill :c i can't shake the feeling that something is really wrong with me even though i was checked over , i'm trying my best to relax but i just can't , :weep: if it is a viral infection i KNOW i'm bound to feel unwell and run down and dizzy and what not but my rational thinking goes out the window as soon as my body has an unfamiliar feeling !!!!
really stressed out here X

06-03-10, 18:11
Anxiety can make you feel like you have a bug when it's bad. I know I generally feel tired, achy, queasy etc and all because of my anxiety. It's a terrible thing to suffer from isn't it? I really hope you feel better soon

06-03-10, 18:56
I know it is hard. When I am ill I feel abit on edge aswell.

It isn't anything serious, they wouldn't have let you go home if they thought it was, they would have done further investigation, honestly.

Do you have someone with you? put a dvd on, watch some tv, eat and relax. Take your mind of things tonight xxx

06-03-10, 23:07
Okay the panic is just not going away.

the butterflys in my tummy are constant . i just had a moment before where my ears went all funny - you know like when you're on a plane and they go all weird ! the nurse at the hospital looked at my ears and said nothing was wrong so now i'm freaking out ! i feel so sick and i'm so scared ! is this just anxiety ?

:weep: i had this awful sensation before too that i couldn't swallow ! i can't cope with this anymore

andrea thompson
06-03-10, 23:23
hiya hon
i have been ff work for three weeks now.. it all started with a virus, i fealt so tired and dizzy and ill that i to thought there was something serious wrong wth me. i got myself in a right state. you just need to rest as if you had flu.. lots of hot drinks and relaxation. you will be fine.

its just a thought but you have had a very traumatic day. have you eaten because your anxiety attack will have used up all your energy and left you feeling even worse. have a healthy snack and a hot drink and a warm bath - always works for me..

i hope you feeling better soon.
andrea x x

07-03-10, 13:31
So i made it through the night - just about , and i still feel so nervous today !
you'd think that the sheer fact of me making it to today would give me reassurance but it just doesn't ! I've still woken up today thinking i'm going to die .

I'm getting weird sensations across my cheeks and nose , like something is stuck up there when i try to breathe in through my nose - this is just my sinuses isn't it ?
and my stupid ears are still giving me trauma , it's so hard to explain the sensation but it's making the whole side of my face feel numb-like !

I'm trying so hard to relax and tell myself it's anxiety but nothing is working !

if something was seriously wrong , it would have surfaced by now wouldn't it ? i would have collapsed yesterday or something :weep:

i've never had like constant anxiety last this long before , it's been like 24+ hours and i haven't had relief from it ! the beta-blockers aren't doing anything !!