View Full Version : Anxiety or have i done something...ladies?

06-03-10, 17:36
Hi Girls
today im not sure if ive pulled a muscle or if its anxiety, im not sure if there is a muscle where the pain is - its on the left side of my right breast, i got up from sitting this morning and its been aching ever since, when i move my right arm across my body or "puff" my chest out i get a aching pain in that spot, its not a constant pain, i keep thinking i mustve torn an artiery or hurt my heart.
Advice please
Linda xx

06-03-10, 17:39
it sounds like you pulled something dont worry it will wear off

06-03-10, 18:26

Sounds like a wee pulled muscle hun! Do you have any ibuprofen? Those work really well for pulled muscles. If not then paracetamol will help too.
Hope you feel better soon.


07-03-10, 12:50
Does sound like a muscle pull from the area you describe. I have done this after leaning on my elbow reading for too long. It will pass