View Full Version : NEW HERE!

06-03-10, 18:18
I'm 18 years old and been suffering with anxiety/panic attacks for about 5 months. I know it's not along time and people have suffered for years but to me its all so new and scary. I take lexapro and I guess it's been helping but lately I've been feeling down and I keep getting scary thoughts about EVERYTHING. I read that lexapro can give you suicidal thoughts and after reading that I keep having those thoughts. I would NEVER kill myself. I love life and I have people who love me and I have so much ahead of me. Every time I get a thought about suicide I get scared. The thought is more like me thinking I'll go crazy and kill myself. I've told my therapist and my mother. These thoughts have been happening for 3 days now. It's weird I don't really have panic attacks anymore but now I just have these thoughts and on top of that I feel confused. I think I want to stop taking lexapro. I don't know. Anyone have any feedback? I would really love some. Thank you! :)

06-03-10, 18:19
Hi colormyworld

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

ally b
06-03-10, 23:33
Hi there,
Dont stop taking the meds,please talk to your doc first.
If you go to the top ov this page,click search an type in wot ya need advise on,treads(other sufferers post)old an new will come up.Im sure you will find some really helpfull advise there,great people 2.:welcome:an dont forget,your never alone on here.
Best wishes xx

06-03-10, 23:50
Your only started thinking that way after reading about a possible side effect, suggestability is quite strong in people with anxiety, if the thought are only of the possibility that you might start thinking about commiting suicide then I really wouldnt worry, a suicidal thought goes deeper than that. As it is causing you worry though it is best to speak to someone about it, if only for reassurance.