View Full Version : Should i worry????????

ally b
06-03-10, 20:29
iv been back to the docs yesterday,im still suffering quite bad wiv anxiety.He upped my citalopram upto 40mg from 20mg,an he also gave me 40mg of propranol.I am really scared to take the propranol,never been on anything like this(beta-bloker).:scared15:
Have any of you guys any experiance wiv these drugs?
Would really like to know,need to put my mind at rest.:)

06-03-10, 20:36
I would assume the Dr checked asked if you had ever had asthma in your life??? If he didn't and you have then check with Dr as beta blockers can trigger serious asthma attacks in suseptible people BUT if you are fine that was then they are worth a try. some people find them wonderful others feel so much worse they would rather have the anxiety. The beta blocker slows your heart down and lowers your blood pressure but it can do this so much you feel dreadful so its very much try it and see.
I don't mean to scare you and your Dr should have explained all of the above to you anyway and if they didn't its something to think about.

ally b
06-03-10, 20:44
Thanks countrygirl,i think i will leave em for know.
I think it will be better for me,to see wether 40mg of cit works for me, as im only on day 1.I gonna make another apointment at the docs for more advise.
Thanks so much x

06-03-10, 20:49
Hi Ally

Yes i was on those too when i was younger. They did help me and used in conjunction with other anxiety medications such as what you are on can be very benificial, however i don't feel you are comfortable taking these so maybe a little reassurance from your GP may help.

Take care

ally b
06-03-10, 21:01
Hi lisa
Im am guted i have to take cit,an its been upped to 40mg.I wish i was srong enough to do it by myself.Everything scares me these days.I will for sure go back the docs,i didnt see my usual doc(he wasnt so understanding)i dont want sympathy of them,i just want to get through this.I am determind,an i will do it,coz i wanna. Thanks alot you guys:bighug1:So glad i found this site.xx

06-03-10, 21:12
Hi ally b,

I was given atenolol 25mg when i was younger.At the time it wasnt actually prescribed 4 anxiety but for ectopic heart beats.I took it for about 10 years.I would believe propranolol and atenolol are possibly from the same family of meds.It isnt a mind altering drug i know that much. If u dont feel comfortable taking it go back to the Drs and get some advice about it from them,thats what i would do anyway.

Best wishes. Keep ur chin up. x

ally b
06-03-10, 21:30
Hi tulip, even though i feel so bad wiv this anxiety,i really wana be normal again.do you think im stupid to say NO to the propranol.If some1 could wave a magic wand over me,(to make me feel better)i would let them.Im sure you all would!!!!! You would think i would take anything to help,is there summst up wiv me, am i a fake:weep:

06-03-10, 22:37
Your not a fake, I was prescribed 20mg Citalopram a month ago, and they are still sitting unopened in the kitchen cupboard! Going onto any medication of this type is a big decision and it shouldnt be rushed into, take your time, see how things go with the new dosage, take comfort in the fact its there if you need it, you have a lot of options and different methods available to you so although the magic wand isnt one of them you will find your way through it.

ally b
06-03-10, 22:53
Hi rob,
Most ov the thanks go to you guys.so glad i found you all.:DI think i go to far with my thoughts. XXX

06-03-10, 22:56
Over thinking is definitely a trait well recognised by people who suffer anxiety but there is no such thing as too far, its just how you work.

ally b
06-03-10, 23:02
I dont think iv ever been any different,so people say.My mind is never at rest,always thinking,butt what if-should ov said that- should i be doing this ect....The journey hasnt started an im already there..............lol

andrea thompson
06-03-10, 23:12
hiya hon
i have been on 20 mg cit since dec and i have just been back to dr as feeling crap again he put me up to 40mg also - so snap.. i started taking 40mg on tues and i do feel like i am moving in the right direction.
years ago i suffered with this and i was on seroxat, the dr also gave me beta blockers and i didnt take them, i was too scared. but as it turned out i didnt need them the seroxat was enough to get me back on my feet. dont take anything your not comfortable with and yes go back to the drs.. you sound very determined and very sensible about this and i am sure you will be feeling better soon..

take care

andrea x x

ally b
06-03-10, 23:26
Thanks andrea,i ope it works for me 2.
Can you really feel a difference?
I want to right,i hate having my partner an family seeing me like this.Putting a brave face on things just isnt working right now,i think they see through it.I will get there.......dont know when.butt i bloody will.......xx