View Full Version : Panicky beacause of Sickness bug

09-01-06, 08:00
A friend of mine that lives two streets away, told me on Messenger yesterday that she has been ill (sick) all day and its going round.

I am now panicking and scared to go out cos I really don't wanna catch it. I'm hoping its confined to her school.

Sickness is one thing that I can't stand even the sound of, if its going round.

Guess its like a Phobia. Had it for years.

09-01-06, 08:05
I share your fear, I hate it when sick bugs go round.

I have even taken time off work before, just to avoid it.

I work in a school and I will admit, it's the one thing about my job that really worries me. I wash my hands quite abit while in work...

Mackenzie Anne
09-01-06, 16:06
Fearing sickness even the common cold or flu, I hear you on that one. My 5 year old step daughter is sick all the time it seems. She made me real sick in October and then last week while she was visiting she was sick again. I became freaked out, I didn't want it and I did everything in my power to avoid it. I washed my hands constently and asked her to sneez and cough into her arm as apposed to her hand. In my mind this would lessen the chances of catching her cold. So far so good, it's been just over a week and I don't seem to be sick.