View Full Version : Help having a PA...

06-03-10, 22:37
I have a pain above my left elbow, it's kind of a burning feeling...have a PA because I think i'm having/about to have a heart attack. I'm home alone tonight as my boyfriend is away over night and what happens if I have a heart attack and I'm on my own?

I have been having problems with pain in my left shoulder/blade for months now, what if I have heart problems...

Someone please help...


06-03-10, 22:44
Ok,right one of the classic symptoms with anxiety is left arm pain.The more u focus,the worse it will seem.U R NOT GOING TO HAVE A HEAR ATTACK and i mean that in the nicest possible way.Ur thoughts are anxious so tell urself that.I have suffered with anxiety for 16 yrs,believe me ur not having a heart attack.U will be fine,nothing bad is going to happen.U r most prob anxious becoz ur on ur own tonight.Find something to divert ur mind,something which really absorbs u.U will b ok.Think of how many times u have been anxious and the bad thing u thought was iminent didnt happen,think this now. I know u will be ok,so not even gonna say gd luck.U can do this. xx