View Full Version : Refusing Citalopram - One month on.

06-03-10, 23:32
A month ago I posted that I'd been to the doctors and was prescribed citalopram for my anxiety. I decided to not take it and I said I would post my progress, it was been 1 month now and thought I'd update you all.

I have been a lot better, the anxiety is still there but it does feel more in the background now. I have been pushing myself to do things I couldnt have done even two months ago, breaking down the barriers I've put up to protect myself.

I have been doing all my shopping through the day, I could only do it at night (2am) because the thought of all those people around me and in particular the problems I have when queuing would have sent me running for the door (which I have done several times). I went clothes shopping too, in a shopping centre which again I couldnt do. I even managed to go to the dentists for the first time in 10 years and although I was a little nervous I had no problems with panic etc (and amazingly my teeth are all fine too).

I havent had it all my way though, I wish I had, I still get that tight stomach feeling a million times a day, and surges of adrenaline for no reason at all, I know there isnt an instant fix and I still have a long way to go, but taking little steps in the right direction. I have been studying anxiety like crazy, in an effort to remove the element of fear on the basis of you cant be scared by it if you know whats happening. I have also made a good friend which I met through this site, she has helped me a lot and I thank her for that (you know who you are), I would say having someone to talk to about this condition is the most important part of recovery, I have discovered feelings and thoughts locked away for so long I didnt even know they existed.

This site has helped me more than anything else I've tried so anyone new to this site, welcome to the site that saved me and thanks to everyone who posts on here, I will try to post more myself but just reading everyones posts has shown me that I'm not alone and I'm not going crazy.

ally b
06-03-10, 23:44
Hi rob you posted on my tread,thank you for your advise.
You have worked so hard,you should be proud:yesyes:.
I agree,sharing your thoughts wiv people in the same situation helps a great deal,this can be such a lonely illness.
Keep it up and best wishes xx