View Full Version : What on earth is this - very scary!

07-03-10, 10:14
I have had these attacks before last one about 6 weeks ago and before that had a bad time with it about 8 yrs ago - sounds so weird but hopefully someone can relate.

As soon as I lay down in bed I get a sensation as if I have fallen down a large hole - its purely internal sensation no movment on my part and at same time I get the severe adrenalin rush that shoots from middle of body up to head with loud whooshing heartbeat in ears and head and pressure in head plus I feel as if I am vibrating intensely internally. This all lasts about 3 seconds but within a few minutes it does it again and again and again. Only way to stop it is to get up and walk about. I usually have to have a urgent bowel movement after about 10 mins of this which is I assume purely adrenalin related. After about 2 hrs of this the intensity of the sensations gets less and the gaps longer and about 2am I will finally fall asleep but wake up a complete nervous wreck waiting for the sensations to start again which they often do. This scenario usually lasts about 3-4 nights by which time I am a basket case terrified of going to bed:blush:

I tried taking 5mg of diazepam lat ngiht when it started but it did not help.

8 years ago when I had this but milder sensations and it lasted for weeks on end I saw two drs. One said it could be related to my neck damage - I have herniated disc and bad arthritis but other one said it was straight forward anxiety attack and was very dismissive.

My symptoms seem so weird that I don't expect anyone else to have them but its worth a try asking.

Have new Dr due to moving house and will go and see them tomorrow or Tuesday but hate it when they look at you and say how strange!

07-03-10, 11:26
countrygirl, I remember reading your previous posts saying you have an underactive thyroid. I have hashimotos thyroiditis(which I still am not on high enough dosage for but thats another story). Anyway, I just wanted to say I have been getting the exact same feelings as you, which makes me think it is thyroid related.. don't know if that is a possibility for you or not? it is extremely scary and only happens when I am trying to get to sleep.

Kirst xx

07-03-10, 12:02
Thanks both - Kirst yes I do have an underactive thyroid although my last test 5 months ago was normal and I always ask for my result so I know that its not at one end or other of normal!!
Can you tell me how you cope with the sensations and does trigger the awful adrenalin with you as well.

07-03-10, 12:38
It truly is the worst feeling... it happens to me just as i'm drifting off to sleep usually. Usually once I wake up and sit for a bit it goes away. It seems to be happening when my body is going into sleep state so not sure why that would be. I am having a horrendous time with my thyroid, going to get appointment with private specialist as i'm fed up with lack of knowledge and no help from NHS GPs and endo.xx

07-03-10, 12:58
When you get the sensation and then sit up for a bit is that the end of it?? of do you put up with the sensation for a bit and eventually sit up and it goes away??

I have found that if I get up or sit up a few times then eventually it improves but not the first time I sit up. 8 yrs ago i ended up trying to sleep sitting up which helped a bit but didn't completely get rid of sensations becuase it was the relaxing for sleep that triggered it not just the position.

wonderful to hear from someone who knows what its like thanks

07-03-10, 13:05
It usually takes a few minutes once i've sat up for it to go away. It is so nice to know someone is experience same thing as me! It is strange that it happens when we are relaxing for sleep...must be a reason for it. I'm sure its totally harmless whatever it is.


07-03-10, 14:19
I did a very silly thing and have now frightened myself into thinking I hae carcinoid syndrome because I always have to go to the loo when I have the sensation and adrenalin rush.

Trouble is anxiety symptoms are same as this rare disease:mad:

Now I have latched onto it I am worrying more and more - If I got the sensation but didn't need to go to the loo I woulnd't worry but anxiety has always made me need the loo!

If I am really brave I could admit my fears to my new GP if I see him in next couple of days but I know I won't be happy with his answer unless he does the blood test for it and this is just continuing the loop of worry and tests arghhhhh

07-03-10, 15:12
I've just looked that up and I really don't think you have anything to worry about. I always feel like I need to go to the loo too when it happens but I think its because of excess adrenaline. Do you actually have diarrohea? That is the main symptom. It is so rare and I am certain you do not have this. xxxx

07-03-10, 15:22
Thanks Kirst for talking sense to me! Now I know you also need the loo I feel alot better and as you say its all that adrenalin. No I don't have diarrhea when I have to go its normal.
I also read the symptom page on here and came across the bit about falling sensation when you are just falling asleep being due to a hyper nervous system,
I will probably still ask my GP about it:blush:

07-03-10, 21:39
Of course I couldn't let it rest and continued to google and came across medhelp with loads of posts where people were saying they had been diagnosed with anxiety and it turned out to be an adrenal growth causing surges in adrenaline:mad: At least I have stopped worrying about carcinoid syndrome:blush:

I am 99.9% sure that this symptom is due to being hyper worried all the time there isn't a day I don't worry about my health but because I haven't had it for so many years and it has returned worse than ever I am going to see my GP this week - tell him my symptoms and also my worries about it being an adrenal problem.

Will let you all know what he says as I imagine loads of us on here have problems with adrenaline surges.