View Full Version : new here and need help

07-03-10, 11:49
ive written this post, read it then delete it then have re-written it 6 times!!! just feel nervous about posting the crappy things that have happened in my life thats led me here, in blinding panic attacks everyday and when im not having them im always on the verge on having one!!

im 28yrs and have had more happen in my lifetime then people have had in 10 lifetimes (thats no exageration).

ive always been on the anxious side even as a child particularly around my health, if i hurt myself or was ill id want to go to the dr for them to tell me i was ok (dont know why?)
then when i was 16 i actually was diagnosed with a serious blood disorder (severe chronic neutropenia) since then ive been in and out of hospital but still managed to get married and had 2 children. When i was pregnant with our 3rd in 2006, i was having a c-section and ended up heamorraging really bad and had an emergency hysterectomy and on life support.

obviously it left me very ill, and my husband had PTSD and a breakdown so i had to cope with his illness and then 2 of our daughters were diagnosed with a rare condition called sticklers syndrome and also one of them was diagnosed as having aspergers, it was such a stressful time.

then in 2007 our 4yr daughter was sexually assulted by our neighbours son who was 12yrs old at the time ( we'd know him since he was 8!!) on the way back from the police station where they had to video an interview with our daughter it was raining heavily and as we drove down a very steep hill our car aqua-planed and we had a major car accident, i suffered broken ribs, cracked breast plate, damaged my diaphram and damage to my neck and shoulder......

the panic attacks i suffer from now are horrendous, i dont just feel dizzy or faint, i literally feel like my throat is closing and that im goint to chock on my own tongue, i havent been to the dr's yet even the last 6mths have just been terrible living with this constant feelin, i know medication would help but am frightened to take it as ive heard it can make them worse and at the moment that doesnt seem possible!!!!
just dont know what to do.... thanks for your time xx

07-03-10, 11:50
Hi sarahdd

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

07-03-10, 14:49
Hi Sarahdd.

I don't post often, but get lots of advice, comfort and support just knowing NMP is here when I need it. Hope you find the help you need.

Niky x

07-03-10, 15:09
Hi Sarah

I've tried to cope with panic attacks on my own for some years now. I dont get them regularly, but when i do, it feels like the walls are closing in and its gonna last forever. This usually happens if i have to talk in big groups or in pressurised social situations.

The best thing i did was speak to the doctor, with my girlfriend there, and explained what i was going through. He prescribed me medication called citalopram that i have been taking since last wednesday. After a few weeks i should notice a change but until then im just hoping it will work. Maybe you could seek similar help.

You seem to have had a rough time of it in recent years and i want to wish you the best of luck in the future. Remember you are never alone. You just have to be open about it and accept that it will take time and determination.

07-03-10, 16:30
Hi Sarah,
Never be nervous about writing anything on here,,people will understand no matter what it is, the people on here are really nice and they will understand what you are saying. I hated writing some of the stuff i have wrote of on here, but believe me, talking about it really does help.
I hope you get lots of support from the site,
Regards Redrainbow,,

07-03-10, 19:20
Hi sarahdd and :welcome: One good thing out of many on this forum is anonymity. If you want to write whatever you want and remain anonymous you can. Some things are so difficult to share and for some it helps that they can have this on NMP. You have been through so much no wonder you feel the way you do. We are all here to help each other through some tough times and hopefully to share some better times too.:hugs:

07-03-10, 19:30
aww you have had a very rough time. Ive suffered with panic attacks for 6 years and the only way Ive felt better is with the help of medication and claire weeks book, self help for your nerves. I know it seems scary to take mediction when you know it may make you feel worse to begin with but it will really help in the long run. xxx

07-03-10, 19:34
ps. I hate medication but it can have its place. I was in a rut just before xmas that I couldn't get out. I changed to a new medication, admittedly I suffered side effects at first but I have reached the other side. It was worth it. Its scary I know but you are worth trying!xx

Purple Fish
07-03-10, 20:02
Hey welcome to NMP!

I`ve been a member for some time now and this site has got me through some difficult times.
Feel free to post a rant on here anytime you like it will make you feel lot`s better.

You`ll be surprised how many people understand where you`re coming from.

Take Care

Tanya xx

07-03-10, 20:07
Hello Sarah

I was shocked that you've been through so much yet also managed to get so much done in your life.

I wish you all the best in the future and welcome you to the forum.

Vanilla Sky
07-03-10, 21:10
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

07-03-10, 21:28
i feel so touched that so many have taken the time to reply, thankyou so much. i feel like ive taken a big step admitting i cant cope, and my husbands going to make an emergency appointment (thats if he can get past the scary receptionist, sometimes think you have to have an arm missing before you get the elusive emergency appointment!!!:D)
i'll let you know how ive got on xxx