View Full Version : Severe shoulder blade pain and back ache

07-03-10, 13:37
Thank god for No More panic. If it wasn't for this forum I would've done what I have done several times in the past and rang 999!

I have been poorly for a little while which I believe is reflux. Am on Omeprazole which although has reduced symptoms, hasn't exactly 'cured me'. Anyway, yestereday was mostly spent in ed. Had bad headache, stomache pains and generally feeling unwell.

This morning I decided to 'battle' against my fears and take my kids to the park. All was going well when suddenly I had the most excrutiating pain in both the should blades and centre of the back. I didn't kno whether to collapse on the floor and demand an ambulance or try and get home. Because I didn't want to scare the kids, I decided on the latter. By the time I got to the car it had subsided a little but is still lingering in my right shoulder.

I came home and read some of the forums on no more panic. Initially this made me worse as some people mentioned it was linked to lung cancer. Something I hadn't considered before but of course, will now! Then I read some of the replies to these threads and it appears lots of other people have had the shoulder pain along with the reflux and ibs. I am obviously not alone!

Like I said, the pain is lingering but I am proud that I managed to fight it today. I'm still worried, it's impossible not to be, but at least I haven't wasted the Emergency Services' time as I'm sure an ambulance is really not necessary.

Does anyone else get shoulder blade pain (at the bottom of the shoulder blades) with reflux? It's also lingering under my right ribs which is unpleasant considering I am obsessed with a failing liver too.

I hate health anxiety but am determined to try and beat it.

07-03-10, 13:49
aaaall the time i have a persistent pain in my shoulder blades, especially on the left side, as well as under the rib cage. i remember in the beginning of my issues i was in and out of sleep and sat up one evening and this incredible pain ran through my shoulders i was like wtf! but its normal for reflux and ibs as you said, both of which i have so. try not to let it worry you. the digestive system is a muscle and all muscles are linked so...

07-03-10, 14:05
Such a relief to hear others have the same problems. I may be a long way from beating HA but thanks to NMP I am at least accepting I have it! Thanks for your reply. I feel good that I did the right thing x

07-03-10, 19:12
I'm going throught exactly the same as you, but on the left side, so I'm more concerned with my pancreas/stomach!!

But I get acid reflux and IBS and the doctor assures me this is what causes the pain in the shoulder blade (or just under it) and under my ribs at the front.

I know how scary it is, but like you I take great comfort in the experience of others on here.

Take care x

pussy cat
07-03-10, 21:32
hello,my husbsnd has reflux & takes omerprazole - he to complains of pain in the back that seems to come round the front as well-i,ve known him to have bouts of intense pain & the only slight relief he gets is to get on his knees crouched over,but it still lasts a few hours & then he is left feeling sore,also sharp pain can also be trapped wind-it seems that this also is linked.as you will see your not on your own with your symptoms although that still doesnt stop you worrying which in turn makes it worse - good luck :winks:

08-03-10, 08:47
In my opinion, with most of us, the problems we suffer seem to fall into 3 catagories. IBS, acid or muscular tension, and at times, all of these at once.
One of my many visits to A and E last year was for excritiating pain in the left shoulder blade, especially when breathing in. After blood tests and xrays it turned out to be muscular and wind.

The discomfort under the right ribs is something I seem to get on a daily basis. Not a very pleasant feeling considering it's normally accompanied by nausea! (A look on the forums here will comfirm there are many sufferers of this). This can normally be written off as IBS symptoms. I say NORMALLY and not definately, so it's always best to get checked out, but most of us who have been checked will be told it's IBS.

08-03-10, 13:07
Thank you for your replies. Last night was better but not symptom free so I sat up for a while dwelling on pain which is now in my whole stomach and also lingering in the whole upper right area, including shoulder blade but also front ribs. My liver obsession is back but now focusing also on gallbladder. I have stopped alcohol, chocolate and watching what I eat in a bid to get through this! Could do with losing a bit of weight!!

08-03-10, 18:07
One thing to think of with the gallbladder and/or liver area is acid will cause inflammation over a period of time, which will result in pain similar to gallbladder symptoms. I had mine removed last year because the gallbladder was inflammed. I still have the same pain though because the reason the GB was inflammed was due to stomach acid and not stones. Something to dwell on. The answer is to control the amount of stomach acid preferably.

08-03-10, 18:21
I am suffering at the moment with pressure in my shoulder blades and centre of back, all very high up and it sometimes is in my throat and ribs. I constantly burp and hiccup:-( I have IBS but I didn't know if this could cause shoulder pain and pressure:-(

08-03-10, 20:22
Horse - that is very very interesting. I will certainly keep that in mind as it is this area that I have had such ongoing problems with in the past. I had a scan last year which didn't show any gallstones but have suffered reflux on and off for much longer. Hmm, maybe the fact I haven't persevered with reflux medicine is why it is that area that causes me so many problems. Will stick with the omeprazole and see if this offers longer relief. Thank you!

JessicaLil - I would say almost certainly you have reflux. I do suffer ibs too and maybe these are also ibs symptoms but the burping, hiccups and where your pain is all points to reflux. I have read so many reflux forums now that I feel quite the expert!! ;-)

08-03-10, 20:59
What is reflux exactly? I kind of know but it is ok to leave?

I am on lansoprazole 15mg daily since I had treatment for helicobacter last month.