View Full Version : Wake up great - evening feel really down

07-03-10, 19:48
Does anybody wake up feeling great and as the day goes on your mind fills up with negative thoughts and by the evening you feel really depressed and down ? I get this alot.

Take today, I got up early and went to yoga at the local DW sports. I've been meaning to go for ages and thought it good for me to expand my comfort circle and today I went and it was good. Afterwards I went for a drive up the lake district and took some photos and had some lunch and I was in good spirits.

This all sounds great, normal and positive doesn't it ?

I suffer from some problems with my sinus'. Nothing is diagnosed, but I get pain in my face, headaches, a bit of vision problems and makes me feel a bit woozy and tired.

Whilst I was driving, this flared and and I had a pain in the right side of myself. The world drew in on me and a panicked a bit, thinking I was having a stroke. This eased, but it continued to play on my mind. not that I was having a stoke, just the fact that it happened. As the day progressed I went more and more down, not really for any particular reason that I can fathom. Now I'm on a health anxiety forum asking for reassurance :(

This sort of think happens daily, I wish I could just say 'the pain I felt before was just temporary, it wasn't bad and it's happened before' and stay in good spirits, but I simply can't.

I can never do anything else apart from panic when I get pain :(

07-03-10, 21:34
In the evenings are you less active physically and mentally. Cause this affects my mood I must admit so I have to do something. Can you keep busy?

Also, I still cope badly with being around certain people. CBT hasn't really helped my low self esteem and the more people I see throughout the day, the more I over analyse things. I am avoiding these same people despite my recovery from depression at the moment. I ask, am I really recovered?

Also coz I am feeling better from my depression I am having an energy surge. I can't stop, trouble is, my neck pain has flared up because of it. Now that could send me right back to square one with depression like it has before but I am determined not to give in to it this time. I am going to take a painkiller before I do anything that aggravates my neck. I hate taking tablets but faced with depression again, I'm opting for the painkiller! Pain really drags you down I agree and the worry is when you constantly wait for it to happen! The answer...gosh I am sorry I don't honestly know. I cope with it by taking a precautionary pain killer. Yes, everybody I know thats not idealistic!

07-03-10, 22:45

I feel worse in the evenings too. It seems with depression it is more usual to feel worst in the mornings. Generally though I wake up with a clear mind, feeling relatively positive. Then anxious thoughts and negative emotions build up through the day. The anxiety is worst at night, and the depression, and it stops me sleeping. It has felt at times like I've had a split personality, with my 'daytime' personality, there during daylight hours, not dwelling too much on thoughts, not feeling lonely and managing to keep busy and entertained. And then my 'night' personality which is agitated, anxious, scared, sad, panicky, lonely and there's nothing I can do to stop it. When I'm in one of the moods, I find it near impossible to imagine being in the other one.

Like you, I experience pain in the evenings. I have IBS and acid reflux and both seem to get worse through the day. I don't really know what kind of help I can offer you other than, as suggested above, try to keep busy in the evenings. TV, chatting to people on the phone or online, reading, drawing, writing, playing games, anything you can. The later it gets the harder it is to distract yourself from the anxiety and bad feelings.

09-03-10, 11:47
I don't think its necessarily the time of day, its just if I start to feel down or anxious then I'm in the that mood for the rest of the day and can't snap out of it. It doesn't matter if it happens at 5pm or 11am, I can never change my mood. This sometimes rolls over to the nex day and lasts for days on end and it eventually peters out and I'm OK. I think I just have trouble changing my moods, most of the time I don't even know why I'm feeling down :(

09-03-10, 12:08
i know this feeling. i think the day just chips away at us, especially the more challenges we give ourselves/have to face. then again, i commonly wake up depressed & continue to feel like that all day. i think it's dependent on many things. sadly, i don't know anything that can actively be done about it aside from attempts at mind over matter =\

Kat M.
09-03-10, 15:44

Did you try to keep a daily success journal? I found it very helpful!

For the next three weeks each day you write down your successes of this day. I would suggest you start doing it early in the evening. You can put:
1. Got up early
2. Went to yoga
3. Spoke to 2 new people at yoga club
4. Went for a drive up the Lake District
5. Took some photos
6. Had superb and healthy lunch
7. Coped well with my pain and panic
8. Drove home safely despite the pain
9. Looked at my photoes
10. E-mail the best photo to a friend/relative etc.

At the beginning it might be hard to find what to put down. But after a few days your mind will start 'saving' good ideas for your success journal this day.


Kat M. (LiftMyDepression.com)

09-03-10, 15:50
Does anybody wake up feeling great and as the day goes on your mind fills up with negative thoughts and by the evening you feel really depressed and down ? I get this alot.

Take today, I got up early and went to yoga at the local DW sports. I've been meaning to go for ages and thought it good for me to expand my comfort circle and today I went and it was good. Afterwards I went for a drive up the lake district and took some photos and had some lunch and I was in good spirits.

This all sounds great, normal and positive doesn't it ?

I suffer from some problems with my sinus'. Nothing is diagnosed, but I get pain in my face, headaches, a bit of vision problems and makes me feel a bit woozy and tired.

Whilst I was driving, this flared and and I had a pain in the right side of myself. The world drew in on me and a panicked a bit, thinking I was having a stroke. This eased, but it continued to play on my mind. not that I was having a stoke, just the fact that it happened. As the day progressed I went more and more down, not really for any particular reason that I can fathom. Now I'm on a health anxiety forum asking for reassurance :(

This sort of think happens daily, I wish I could just say 'the pain I felt before was just temporary, it wasn't bad and it's happened before' and stay in good spirits, but I simply can't.

I can never do anything else apart from panic when I get pain :(
am uffering with sinus itsawfull no pain but nose and head feels so bunged up, plus eyes swell underneath can i ask what ar you taking for it i feel like you it worries me

09-03-10, 20:25

Im sorry I can't understand the pain side of your depression because I don't suffer from that myself however I can fully sympathise with the day/night mood. In the mornings I tend to feel okish and feel myself pretty numb throughout the day, I then get a dreaded feeling later on. It may be because I am living back with my mum and I don't want to be here and she comes home from work and from then on I don't feel great. I myself believe it has something to do with the light, I feel better when the sun is shining and that obviously goes away at night! I feel dread before I go to bed because when the tv isn't on etc I feel scared about my worries and therefore a restful nights sleep is not on the cards. Sorry thats a long way of saying that I agree and understand feelings are strained and low at night.

Take care and keep going!

Laura x

Martin Ell
09-03-10, 20:57

I can understand where you're coming from. For me, it's the opposite. I sometimes don't feel to great during the morning/day, but as the evening comes in, I start to feel better. It feels like the problems of the day have faded away, and the world is calmer, more relaxed (sounds stupid I know). It's not uncommon to react differently to different parts of the day.

I don't suffer from sinus problems, but feeling tired/woozy probably doesn't do your depression any good. On the plus side, it might make you feel tired enough to get a good nights sleep? If the pain flares up again, try not to panic. You've dealt with it many times before, and you will if/when it next flares up.

Keep your head up, you've come this far :D


09-03-10, 21:06
Does anybody wake up feeling great and as the day goes on your mind fills up with negative thoughts and by the evening you feel really depressed and down ? I get this alot.
It might be that you wake up refreshed with lots of energy but this gets burned off quite quickly, so when the evening comes your batteries are flat. I'd say this is a normal symptom of your depression. Stress and anxiety drain your mental strength very quickly. Also it's common to wake up feeling well but then as soon as you remember how you felt before, it hits you like a physical strike.

I suffer from some problems with my sinus'. Nothing is diagnosed, but I get pain in my face, headaches, a bit of vision problems and makes me feel a bit woozy and tired.
Is it possible you are having tension headaches or migraines? Your symptoms sound very close to a migraine. A migraine is not a headache. A headache is just one symptom of a migraine. Stress, worry, tension, persistent low mood and depression can all cause migraine.

The world drew in on me and a panicked a bit, thinking I was having a stroke. This eased, but it continued to play on my mind. not that I was having a stoke, just the fact that it happened. As the day progressed I went more and more down, not really for any particular reason that I can fathom. Now I'm on a health anxiety forum asking for reassurance :(
"The world closing in" is a typical symptom of an anxiety attack, when you feel overwhelmed and confused. It's a frightening feeling but it doesn't mean there is anything seriously wrong, so next time it happens try to accept that it is just panic and it will pass. Once you get some practice at this you will find it makes a big difference.

10-03-10, 10:58
Thanks for the advice. I will try and be positive. I think I will invest in positive thinking and health anxiety self help books.