View Full Version : fear of being photographed- PLEASE help me

07-03-10, 22:20
I have the most intense crippling fear of being photographed and I am trying everything to overcome it- does anyone have any tips?

I can't stand to have my picture taken and I have taken ridiculous measures to avoid it- I didn't join the library until they had on-line membership (yahoooo no photo needed) !

I didn't renew my passport (didn't need one anyone I was agoraphobic)
I didn't renew my drivers license (couldn't drive anyway)
The list goes on and on- it seems like you need photo membership cards for everything now-even worse any family event etc EVERYONE come armed with cameras. People are even taking pictures with their phones now-eeeeeeek !

Sounds so silly considering - but this is really one of the last MAJOR anxiety/depression/phobia issues I have to sort- well sort to the point where I can function.

I cannot even let my man take my picture and it causes such a rift-
I don't know what to do anymore.

Please can anyone help?

07-03-10, 23:01
I'm sorry that I don't have any answers for you. I avoid cameras, not because I fear having my picture taken, but because I never like pictures of me. What exactly scares you about having your picture taken? What goes through your mind when you see someone with a camera -- orther than fear?

Have you spoken to a therapist about this?

I'm sorry you are going through this. Hugs!

08-03-10, 09:46
I have told my husband he is not to take pictures of me ion holiday in 2 weeks time and I mean it. I hate the way I look. I have even ripped me off photos before now much to my husbands annoyance. I am not scared of cameras though. Are you? When did this develop?

08-03-10, 09:56
I dont like my photo being taken because I hardly ever smile. Most photographs look to me as if I am scowling. I think that it is an infringement of privacy all this picture taking. I expect that we have had our pictures taken a million times with cctv and security cameras. Is there a way that photos could be done in a non threatening way or does this stem from an earlier fear?

08-03-10, 23:35
Thank you all for your replies. I can relate to everything that you've all said. I hate the way I look- I always look miserable and I feel my smiles look fake.

I can't deal with mirrors either- I had to switch yoga classes because I just couldn't take seeing my reflection.

I have no idea why it is so extreme.

jude uk
08-03-10, 23:38
This may be a self image thing. I would suggest having a digital camera and taking photos of yourself just to see what effect this has on you.

10-03-10, 14:33

i really feel for you, i wish i had a solution for you but i don't, it's a personal thing a photogratph.

All i can tell you is i had extream anxiety a few years back that has left me with a crippleing phobia of vomiting, BUT whilst i was very anxious all those years ago i suffered agorophobia so bad i didn't leave the house for years,i hated myself, the way i looked the way i spoke, thought i was the worst person in the world etc etc thankfully i am so much better now (apart from the vomiting phobia) but whilst ill i hated having my picture taken, threw away pictures tore myself out of them and so on, and now i regret it so so much, i am 46 now and oh how i wish i had pictures to look back on, they are precious things really and now sadly i feel i have no memories.
I know it sounds extream but it is so true, even my wedding photos are gone, i hate not having pictures of myself now.
What i am trying to say is take one step at a time, try to build some courage and ask your partner to take one photo that you are in control of, then try 2 and so on, if your out and people try to take pics of you then if you get chance just tell them politely that you don't like photos being taken and offer to take one of them instead.

Please don't end up like me and regret not having memories to look back on.

Sharon :)

17-11-15, 03:14
I used to be afraid of being photographed. Not just how I look in photos, but the process itself. I hated sitting still for photos, or flashing a false smile. Not to mention that I never looked good. Three years ago, I met a data entry person at my job who was also a professional photographer. On her days off, she would hang around taking photos of us. The first day she did this, my heart rate went up. I felt very nervous. You could compare it to how a child might feel about getting an injection. Anyways, this photographer took pictures of a lot of people before me, and I was awaiting my turn in fear. Then one of the computers needed to be fixed, and as the available techie I had to go help. I heard footsteps behind me, and it was the photographer. She had just taken a picture. I hadn't even noticed. Shortly afterward I became much more comfortable with cameras. I just don't look.