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View Full Version : Oh what am I going to do ?

11-02-04, 09:57
Steve's gone back to work.
The kids are due to start school holidays in a few days time, and I still haven't heard anything from Social Services about playgroups and activities for them.

It's not like I've only just asked either, I started asking a year and a half ago, before all this panic nonsense started up again.
We call and ask on a regular basis, but our case officer is either, busy, out or off or it's the fault of another department.

Still I am thankful for small mercies, and the fact they did sort out transport to and from school, so I don't have to worry about taking and picking up the children on my own.

I haven't got the mental strength to keep chasing Social Services and the will to cope with 2 special needs children for a whole week on my own.

What am I going to do ?
Steve's only just gone back to work, I dare not mention him taking more time off for the school holiday. Not that work would give him the time off anyway, after all he's only been back at work 2 weeks after him being off for 6 months.

I feel like I'm starting to regress back to the sofa loving panic monster again, despite trying to take my mind off things. :(

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx

[:p] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric

11-02-04, 11:29

Are there any support groups in your area?

Instead of regressing to the sofa loving panic monster, get on the internet and look for some sites!!!!!

Hopefully you will find something local that can provide some respite/help/support for a couple of afternoons at least.

Other than that, as a short term measure, can you rope in a friend or relative, and bribe them with a nice lunch, get them to help you for a day or an afternoon?

As another alternative, are there any child care centres locally, who accept children with special needs? Could you perhaps afford to pay for the kids to go once or twice during the holidays?

Not sure if any of this is feasable. If not, turn the sofa upside down, remove the cushions, and ban yourself from the living room. This will prevent the panic monster from reuniting itself with the sofa again!!!!!

My mum is really officious, and loves to complain. She is also retired and has loads of time on her hands. Do you know anybody like this? If so, delegate the chasing up of social services to them. My mum would love the challenge to pin anybody in authority up against the wall and demand immediate action.

Hang on in there Liz. It is after all only 5 days. When I'm in a situation I can't escape from and can't do anything to make me feel better, I keep reminding myself of how little time I have to "suffer" in comparison to how long the day/month/year/lifetime is. I'm sure counting down the twenty minute appointment last time I went to the dentist got me through it.

Hope you find a solution. Please try not to worry too much (easier said than done)



What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

11-02-04, 12:33
Hi Liz

This may be a difficult time for you but maybe it is an oppurtunity. An oppurtunity for you to become more independent and challenge yourself, by the end of the week you could be a stronger person.

You don't need the sofa Liz, do what Charlie says, turn it upside down and get rid of the cushions. I'm sure you will still find some quality time to relax, try to make the most of it, and when your helping the kids, make the most of that too, sometimes it can take your mind off things when you put all your attention into one thing. Then try to find some 'self' time other than relaxing, try a hobby, listening to music, cooking, something you will enjoy.

The more you try to be positive about it, the more you will enjoy it and the more you will benefit from the whole experience. I know it's very difficult to feel good about things like this and to really pick yourself up and do them but it helps.

You'll be fine Liz


12-02-04, 09:05
This is the problem with living so far away from friends and family. When you need them you have to travel 300 miles up the A1(m).

I guess I don't know how well I will cope until I grab the bull by the horns and get on with it.
On the plus side, Steve will be home every night at 4, so it's not like I will be totally alone.

They've got lots to keep them busy, videos, toys, games and a computer. If the weather is fair they can always play outside or we can go for a walk around the block.

Thanks guys, I guess you are right, be positive and remember it is only for 10 days and Steve will be here for 5 of them.

Roll on Tueday the 24th !

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx

[:p] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric

12-02-04, 15:29
You said it Liz, you've got to grab the bull by the horns and just go for it. No holding back.

Your family may be hundreds of miles away but that doesn't matter because you CAN do this by yourself.

Things like this can seem to be really difficult but they really can be great oppurtunities to push yourself farther and expand your comfort zone. Try looking at it as a positive rather than a negative.

Good luck


22-02-04, 12:42
I did it, for the first 2 days it was bearable, but towards wednesday it was horrible
and I felt unable to cope.

I used rescue remedy in water, lay on my friend the sofa and took some deep breaths.
I told myself that I only had a few more days to cope with and it would all be over and I could have a real rest.

Steve is now going on to late shift which means I will have to cope with the children at night and put them to bed. I'm not looking forward to that at all.
But on the plus side it is only for 2 days and Steve is only a 10 minute drive away.
Social services did eventually send me a list of childcare of course it turned up too late to do anything about. Nevermind, try again for the easter holidays!

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx

[:p] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric

22-02-04, 17:09

You are doing ok - you are allowed to have some "me" time as well, so don't feel bad about laying on th sofa.

You can do it alone - you are already proving it so well done to you!
