View Full Version : Feel really down

07-03-10, 23:42
I felt really happy today, the sun was shining, and I felt so contented, and then within an hour, my mood went right down.
I had to go out in the car, and everything seemed strange, like how I feel when I get derealisation.
When I got home my mood went lower, ended up having a go at my boyfriend, who had been away all weekend with work.
I just act 'odd' as though I have been taken over by another person!
I went to bed because in the past when I got this down, sleep helps a lot.
My boyfriend woke me up, and since then I just feel 'strange'.
I am on Citalopram and it has worked very well for me, but I hate it when my mood crashes - this is not very often - but usually before I crash I am so happy, singing and just carefree and then out of nowhere I dip.
Does anyone have any idea why this may be?
I hate feeling this down...it scares me :weep:

07-03-10, 23:47
Poppy the same thing happens to me. I would like some answers too. Like you when it happens I try to go to sleep - so hopefully when I wake up its gone away. Mine comes on all of a sudden, in the flick of a light switch and I just feel so horrible I want to end it all. Do you have any coping mechanisms for when this happens? I'd love to hear them.. It could help a lot. xx

08-03-10, 09:42
Hi guys. I have had this. Bit like Jekyl n Hyde! If I ever felt like that I told my hubby "I don't know why but all of a sudden I feel really dreadfully low and I can't explain why". This seemed to take the pressure n guilt off my shoulders a little and I think it helps the other half not to see you as a raving looney! You are at least conscious of it. Does this make sense?

08-03-10, 13:22
Hi both
Thank You for your messages. :)
How are you both today?
I agree Smudger, that maybe I should tell my partner how I am feeling, rather than just being horrid to him :lac: Sometimes I end up resenting him when I feel like I did - not sure why :shrug: and he is the nicest person too. It confuses him, so I will tell him and then he at least knows to hide lol and as you said at least I am aware of how I am, which is something.
I can just feel so suddenly down about everything, whereas an hour before I was happy and contented with everything.

Rachel - You ask about coping mechanisms, - for me anyway, the only thing that helps me get over the low mood, is sleep. It is strange but when my mood suddenly dips from high to very low, I feel exhausted at the same time, whereas I didn't before.
I wonder if for me it is due to hormonal changes. I watch my diet a lot so its not like what I am eating could be related.
I still feel 'odd' today. I can't explain what the reason is - I wish I could.
Hopefully the mood will soon pass.
Hope you are both having a good a day as is possible :hugs:

08-03-10, 14:26
i feel like this too....its so disheartning...one minute im on top of the world and feel so happy then in the blink of an eye its gone and i feel so low.....then i start to dwell on the way im feeling and question how i can be fine one minute and feel so terrible the next.......its as if my mind is programmed to be this way....as soon as i feel happy it stops me in my tracks turns me around and sends me back to sadville.....i hate this feeling so much:weep:

08-03-10, 21:01
Hi Clairabella
Thanks for your reply.
Sorry that you feel like it too. Its no fun is it, feeling like this? Do you feel like this very often or just sometimes?
I don't get like it very often but when I do, my mood swings suddenly.
I still don't feel right after feeling so down yesterday and like you I start then wondering what is wrong and thinking all sorts of things :lac:
Hopefully tomorrow I will feel ok again.
I hope you do too. :hugs: