View Full Version : Anxiety and pain

08-03-10, 04:05
I am a long time sufferer of health anxiety. For years I have been diagnosing myself with countless diseases. I have been having pain in all areas of my body. Sometimes it is joint pain but most of the time it is pain in my tissue. My hands, feet, legs and forearms are the worst. Sometimes my finger tips ache or I have one hand that is really cold. I have joints that pop and crack frequently and pain in my lower back too. For years I have had the muscle twitching that is so common with anxiety but haven't had much of it lately. My latest fears have been around nuero disorders and blood cancers. I keep telling myself that even though the pain is frequent it is not all the time so it must be anxiety. I had blood work (cbc that was normal) )and a colonoscopy back in November and everything was fine. Does anyone know if this sounds like anxiety and if I had a blood cancer would my test results back in November showed it then or could I really be ill and my full blood work in November would not have picked it up? Thanks for listening.

08-03-10, 08:40
Hi j2,

i know alot about aches and pain, i have loads of it. Bad HA most of the times and just like you i have diagnosed myself with countless diseases.
Its hard to handle and almost impossible to forget cause of the never ending aches and pain in muscles and bones.
THere isnt a test more to do for me, all tests has come back fine.

08-03-10, 09:30
J2, i have had HA for nearly 1.5 years now. I know what it is like to have ever changing symptoms and sensations. I find everythign i have had i never quite a 'normal' sensation, which makes me worry as i don't recognise it. People say 'well, if you've been at work all day you will feel tired!' i try to explain it is not that sort of tired etc, but can never articulate it. It is pretty horrible.

So, your post: muscle, joint, nerve, tendon, and pretty much anything else, aches are so common in HA. As are muscle shakes, trembling, twitches and weakness. Frankly, it seems to do everything! If you look at my posts you'll see i was very worried about MS a short while ago also! I seem to have got this back under control at the moment. My two fears are neuro degenerative disorders and cancer - i switch from one to the other. Right now i have noticed a pain in my knee i have had for a number of months and am beginning to get worried about a tumour in my leg!

Have you read the two posts below? I found them both VERY helpful. The first outlines quite how common these symptoms are - see how many people say 'yes, all the time' to the issues you are concerned about. And the second is really very useful in relation to neuro disorders.


Finally, you mentioned you have had blood work recently (november), which is when i last had mine done. Cancers will either show up directly (especially blood cancers!) in the blood, or chemical levels will indicate something isn't right in some other form. If your bloods were fine then in respect to cancers, you are ok too!! You would really really know about it if something was there in Nov and you hadn't been treated by now. PLEASE take assurance from that. Take care and think positive thoughts!

All the best.

sarah jayne
08-03-10, 09:53
Like youself im in constant pain, from my joints to daily headaches. Ive been to the doctors many times and had lots of blood tests and so far everythings ok so even though im finding it hard to believe, it must be anxiety ! Hope your feeling better and if you ever need a chat then feel free to pm me.
Sarah x

08-03-10, 16:27
Thanks for the responses. I just don't get how this much pain in my places like the bottom of my feet and fingertips can be axiety. I don't seem to have any actual weakness in my limbs though my balance is off or at least I feel like it is off sometimes. This is really tearing me apart right now, I can think of nothing else since everything hurts. I am not on meds right now. Does anyone know if something xanax would give a quick relief? I am tempted to talk to a doctor to try and get something that is fact acting like xanax but then I am afraid that if it doesn't work then I am going to affirm my fears that this isn't anxiety. I am in that fear cycle right now and I can't seem to find the off button.