View Full Version : C'mon rise and shine - a new day and all that !!!

08-03-10, 09:34
So where is everyone - still Z'ing I wonder ??

Here in Nottingham, the centre of the modern world, we tend to get up at a sensible time ie 8:45am.

So let's get the excuses rolling in for not logging on the moment your eyes are open

- too much wine yesterday
- getting kids ready for school
- waiting on partner (yeh quite right as well )
- too tired to get up yet
- don't want to get up at all today thankyou
- not today I've got a headache
- forgot to take laptop to bed so need to find it

etc etc

I dunno !

08-03-10, 16:24
are we really the center for the modern world lol

08-03-10, 19:18
Scuse me!! We get up at 7 where I live!! 8.45 would be a lie in for me! You sound full of the joys of life Martin - is it because Spring is bursting out all over!! Nice sunny mornings make me happier too.:):D

08-03-10, 20:36
Ok, I'll fess up!!

1) Too much wine last night
2) Headache as a result of the above!
3) Too tired to get up as a result of above!


08-03-10, 20:41
lol ... I was up at 6am and left the house by 7am... 8.45am... talk about life of luxury ha ha ...

We don't need excuses we were all just sitting on the edge of our seats awaiting your post ...hope your day was good ..hope everyones day was good ..

This thread made me smile... thank you.

09-03-10, 10:22
lol ... I was up at 6am and left the house by 7am... 8.45am... talk about life of luxury ha ha ...

We don't need excuses we were all just sitting on the edge of our seats awaiting your post ...hope your day was good ..hope everyones day was good ..

This thread made me smile... thank you.

Hi Sharonsk

I misread your name as Sharonski,
and noticed you are a civil servant - AND left the house at the crack of dawn. So obviously thought you were a Russian spy.

But there's no i on the end
so must cancel my call to the authorities!
Sorry - will pay more attention in future ! LOL


09-03-10, 23:48
I woke up early, spent time with myself, having day off from being at my dad's, I had a great day with my driving lesson, counselling and rehearsals this evening.


10-03-10, 04:58
lol Martini

If only life was that interesting...

I'm up at the crack of dawn because of travel which I hate ..arghhhh... public transport and then a day of abuse ...what more does a girl wish for hey...

Love it though sharonski think I will keep it ...might make my life more exciting a double personality...no hold on I have that anyway..darn it ... yes I have the worker drone personality of a day and sad lonely mare of a night...

Happy awakenings everyone x

10-03-10, 11:20
Please chose the appropriate words from the lists below.

Good morning/afternoon/evening/ Sharon/Sharonsk/Sharonski/Ludmila.

So glad you found my email funny/stupid/sexist/boring/laughable.
So how come your life seems so full of interest/crap/men/spying.

You do seem quite down/up/excitable/hungry/predictable, and I'm impressed/glad/sad/cheesed off/ that you are coping/sinking/drinking/partying so well.

You reckon you have a dual personality - so hope you both feel really great/sober/awake/excited all ready for another shift tomorrow.

Here's wishing you well/maltesers/peace/the remote control to yourself.


10-03-10, 12:09
Hay martinio, Ola , Bonjoir, Zawacjk,

You are getting funnier by the day, love your posts, give me a giggle.

Love to you
Crissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

10-03-10, 12:13
Now then Dr North...you wont need another job you can just post away all day on here and make everyone laugh..Jo

10-03-10, 12:25
Now then Dr North...you wont need another job you can just post away all day on here and make everyone laugh..Jo

Aha - there's a small matter of my bills to pay though !
Must keep Mrs B in the manner to which she is accustomed.
Erm on reflection I think need to do a bit better than that !

free joke:-

Q. How do you tell who loves you the most your wife or your dog ??
A. Lock them both in the boot of your car for 1 hour then let them out and see which one is pleased to see you.
Mr Beeeee

10-03-10, 17:34
Boom Boom.........LOL

10-03-10, 17:43
Hay martinio, Ola , Bonjoir, Zawacjk,

You are getting funnier by the day, love your posts, give me a giggle.

Love to you
Crissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Erm Crissy - What's with Ola , Bonjoir, Zawacjk.

Are these computer codes, or competitors on Strictly Come dancing.

Maybe if I put it into my computer it will give me next weeks winning lottery numbers.

So into languages are we ???
That will bring a whole new dimension to the forum.

What's citralopam in french - probably Le happy du pill on et off.
See how educated I am !

See ya later

10-03-10, 19:58
FUNNY and CLEVER love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Martian, I have been on cit 30mg for 3 months now still got a nasty taste in mouth like tin foil, still very tired but no anxiety, how are you doing ???????

Thanks for being here x

love crissy xxxxxxxxxxxxx

10-03-10, 22:19
FUNNY and CLEVER love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Martian, I have been on cit 30mg for 3 months now still got a nasty taste in mouth like tin foil, still very tired but no anxiety, how are you doing ???????

Thanks for being here x

love crissy xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hiya Crissy

I've been on 20mg for 8 weeks - no metallic taste,
but still not entirely there yet re the anxiety etc.
Hanging on ya know how it is!

Anyway if I win this lottery I might just treat us all to a packet of (non-metallic tasting) crisps and a lucozade!

Might I said .... only might.
