View Full Version : they're back :(

08-03-10, 14:41
Im not happy today, I thought Id won the war in the battle with the palps but they're back and boy are they back! Ive done all the house work and a mountain of ironing in the hope they would wear off but there pesistant little bu**ers!
And just when my heart gets back to normal they pop back in there just to keep me on my toes, I hate them, a hug would be nice if anyone can spare one?
Thanks for reading, take care.:weep:

08-03-10, 14:50
hi carol

im sending you a BIG HUG :bighug1:
denise x

08-03-10, 15:58
thanks denise, it was well needed

08-03-10, 16:08
big (((((((HUGS)))), I know how you feel, Im suffering the same, get myself well and they ease off then they start up and Im right at the beginning,thinking theres something wrong with me again!. xxxx

08-03-10, 16:12
thank you ames6767, me too! I didnt let them win though, I am fighting agoraphobia at the minute and went out and took the palps with me, well if they're going to kill me they might as well do it outslde in the sunshine!!! Sorry if I sound flippant about them but they really piddle me off and the got me soo damn angry (hope its okay to say 'piddle' and it doesnt offend anyone, appologies if it does, sorry!).

08-03-10, 16:17
I think that was a great thing to do, I battle with the buggers everyday and Im not lying down and letting them win! the sunshine would have done you good. I went into town yesterday and they started so I did leave but today I made myself go out,and felt better. I did pratically stop them but then I get a little stressed and Ill get them, then I get scared and start it all off AGIAN! but not this time, Im determined not to let them get to me. well done for being brave xxxx