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View Full Version : If it is anxiety why does it feel so real?

08-03-10, 15:04
My skin feels like i have sun burn as mentioned in previous post. Mainly in my legs and feet and back side. However it can be in my back stomach or arms. It is really annoying if it is anxiety why is it so real? I mean I definalty feel it.

08-03-10, 15:55
My skin feels like i have sun burn as mentioned in previous post. Mainly in my legs and feet and back side. However it can be in my back stomach or arms. It is really annoying if it is anxiety why is it so real? I mean I definalty feel it.

What brought on your anxiety, what are you scared about?

08-03-10, 16:01
I am not sure I am terrified of MS or something being wrong with me. I have had all the tests but think my Drs are missing something. So once my feet starting burning I freaked and now it has spread. This started when I put my house for sale and started my own business.

08-03-10, 16:25
I am not sure I am terrified of MS or something being wrong with me. I have had all the tests but think my Drs are missing something. So once my feet starting burning I freaked and now it has spread. This started when I put my house for sale and started my own business.

I’m sitting here now typing away with certain muscles twitching away which cause me to think the worse.
I have had all the tests etc which made me feel better but then BAM another twitch and back to square one.
I think firstly you have to convince yourself that these feelings you are getting are related to your anxiety (I know easier said than done)
The fact that they get worse when you worry about them should prove that.
If you are really busy with something or are out with friends do you still get the symptoms?

08-03-10, 16:33
Not usually, but sometimes usually when they enter my mind. it is very scary and then I keep on thinking somthing is wrong what is it, MS, cancer, my back, my anxiety and then go on a tnagent trying to solve each one of those things. It is a viscious cycle.

08-03-10, 16:39
Not usually, but sometimes usually when they enter my mind. it is very scary and then I keep on thinking somthing is wrong what is it, MS, cancer, my back, my anxiety and then go on a tnagent trying to solve each one of those things. It is a viscious cycle.

I've been doing exactly the same thing for the last 7 months although I have been doing better since January I still get days when its bad, like the last couple of days.
Try to allow yourself only 5 minutes a day to think about the anxiety, if you go over the 5 minutes then say "sorry times up" and move on to something else. You have to try and train the brain in to thinking about other things.
If you get that sunburn feeling, just say "silly anxiety" and try and laugh at it.
I'm not sure what your social life is like but if you have time then take up a new hobby, give yourself something new to focus on.

Take care, I hope I may have helped but feel free to keep posting or send me a pvt, afterall talking about these things is half the battle

08-03-10, 16:53
I hae had the painful sore patches of skin anywhere on my body for nearly 30 years!!! To me it feels like a burn but also get sharp shooting pains in it as well - if you press hard it does not hurt but pressing gently is agony. I can have it literally anywhere:blush: and it never lasts in one place longer than 3 days - it also comes in phases that will annoy me for about 2 months in all different places then ti goes away for months on end.
I don't have MS - having been tested endlessly or any other neuro disease and am no worse now that I was all those years ago but I do have terrible anxiety:mad:

08-03-10, 20:58
I guess it is anxiety. I had been doing so well then BAM a new symptom. I get crazy. My mom has MS so I have an abnormla fear of it amongst other things. I need to try and focus on other things, it gets worse when I sit and try to do work on my laptop.
Hope everyone feels better.

15-03-10, 11:16
I guess it is anxiety. I had been doing so well then BAM a new symptom. I get crazy. My mom has MS so I have an abnormla fear of it amongst other things. I need to try and focus on other things, it gets worse when I sit and try to do work on my laptop.
Hope everyone feels better.

It’s like the anxiety is thinking of new ways of making you anxious, it has to to survive. So you realise that one physical symptom is common amongst anxiety sufferers and you stop worrying and then BAM Mr Anxiety throws something different at you.

15-03-10, 12:38
That is so true, one thing goes and then boom another alimant hits.