View Full Version : prickly feeling on skin??????????????

08-03-10, 15:52
the last few days i have been getting a prickly sensation its mainly on my left arm but i do have it all over sometimes aswell.is this anxiety??does anybody else experience this

08-03-10, 16:02
I am having a burning feeling that I am hoping is anxiety so it most likely is. I hope u feel better.

08-03-10, 16:33
thankyou :)i get that aswell like my skin goes hot on certain parts mainly my chest arms and legs

08-03-10, 16:41
Do u really? I just can not convince myself it is anxiety but I know in hindsight I will see it, like all my symptoms. Everytime I feel off my friends and family are like oh no here she goes?
I do hope u feel better.

21-03-10, 19:15
Hi I get this to when i am out having a meal i start to feel real uncomfortable and feel like people are watching me and all my chest goes all red and blotchy i hate it and the more I think about it the worse it gets it is driving me mad

21-03-10, 20:38
Hiya i get all the time, i have it right now its drives me insane, it feels like prickly heat although it is not. xx

22-03-10, 10:44
Prickl;y heat that is a good way to describe it, so weird!

22-03-10, 15:12
Its awful isnt it. xx

22-03-10, 20:06
Yes and it gets impossible to stop thinking about.

24-03-10, 02:07
similar in my right hand at the moment, in the wrist area. tingle prickle feeling and slightly burning sensation. is quite off putting isn't it.
I am not stressing all too much about it as I know that this is common but is the 1st time I have felt this.
Do others find that they read all these symptoms on here and have only felt a few of them but are finding that others are popping up as you go along?

13-05-10, 17:01
get it in my left arm too.....first sign of my anxiety

17-05-10, 18:51
I get this feeling exactly, it Can affect my back, legs , neck and arms, and my armpits, Ive seen two doctors who are NOT concerned in the slightest about this, I believe it can be related to breathing, I have noticed if I just roll with it, it goes fairly quickly

My doctors both said anxiety, I have heard of countless other people experince the same thing, did you know around one third of uk population suffer from anxiety at dome point, a much higher amount than the few people who are unfortunate and develop something worse. The odds are in ur favour, as soon as u realise it is anxiety, and then just roll with the symptoms, the more they will fade.

Try nit to wish itself better from anxiety, it is a slow process but once out the otherside you have the rest of ur life to enjoy without these worries

take care