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View Full Version : diabetes worry :c !!! (amongst other things!)

08-03-10, 19:06
Okay so now i'm terrified i've got diabetes , i was tested for it by the paramedics when i had my very first panic attack in july last year and tested negative .
But is it possible for me to have developed it since the ?

recently when i've been eating anything remotely sugary i've felt instantly nauseous in my stomach and feeling like i'm going to pass out or something .

i googled (like in idiot) and have all the symptoms of undiagnosed diabetes , blurred vision , slow healing of wounds , passing urine frequently (especially at night), increased thirst, extreme tiredness etcetc

and now i'm absolutely freaking out ! :weep:

and if it's not diabetes it's back to convincing myself i've got a brain tumor because my head has just not been right this week at all ! the pressure in my head and ears feels so much that i'll just collapse with the weight of it , all round my ears where my temples are feels so tight !!! and my vision is getting blurrier by the day

my sinuses are up the creek , could this be causing it ? please someone i need reassurance !

08-03-10, 19:32
I am not an expert so please if you at all worried take a wee sample to your doctor and get it tested.
I can only speak here from my mum's experience as she is diabetic. She was left undiagonsed for a long time. She had symptoms but unfortunately they were missed. Her symptoms were a great thirst that nothing would quench, spending a penny more and having to get up several times in the night, head aches and burring vision (although I have heard that being stressful can also cause blurry vision). My mum was being treated for recurring thrush and had to have biopsies taken from her delicate parts (I mean the thrush was happening every other week for two years). It was only when she was in hospital having normal bloods done her diabetes was discovered...it was this that was causing her thrush!
I dont think your symptoms are those of diabetes but a quick water sample will put your mind at ease.
Sorry if I havent been much help, take care and try not to worry too much