View Full Version : university fears

08-03-10, 21:37

I am really anxious about my university degree, I am more then likely going to achieve a 2:2 qualification. I am just so anxious as I feel I am not that clever compared to other people at university and on top of that am worried about not being able to get work throug my anxiety having a hold of me :(

08-03-10, 21:49
A 2:2, well thats better than mine, I got a 3rd class! You are at uni with anxiety, well that speaks volumes! You are doing gr8. Its normal to feel anxious, hell I did a subject I hated after the first 6 months doing it...imagine that and it was a 5yr yr part time degree! You can only do your best remember. Revise, have breaks and fun and stay healthy (vital) and revise some more and you will be fine. And please stop comparing yourself to others...theres always somebody brainier than we are..I bet you are cleverer than you think! If you enjoy the course (unlike me) thats a gr8 help! What are u doin?

08-03-10, 21:55
thanks for your kind words :) I am doing Psychology and have similar problems with dyslexia and intepretating the information but getting through it. I do enjoy sections of the course but at times my anxiety and cripple me althoguh I am looking forward to my thrid yr as it is 'more hands' rather then just listen to lectures go on. What course did you do?

08-03-10, 22:36
Hi there,

Have you made contact with student services? Your Uni will have a councelling service which you can access for free, you might be able to have some CBT or anxiety management which can really help when your in this situation. Dont be shy to use it, you would wait months on the NHS or pay a packet if you went private! Also if student services know about your anxiety you may be able to get extensions on your work etc..

Good luck with your final year and dont put too much pressure on yourself just do you best! :)

09-03-10, 02:51
Hi again. I did Quantity Surveying at Nottingham Trent Uni. Funnily enough I got accepted on a psychology degree course at Nottingham and Wolverhampton Uni some years later. I declned both as I got pregnant (by IVF). I really wished I'd done psychology at uni though. I bet its fascinating. I had an economics lecturer with dyslexia, VERY clever man. The dyslexia has nothing to do with intellect though does it, is that what causes your anxiety?

09-03-10, 09:04

Yes student services know me, I have tried to get help from them with CBT but it is diora. I work in similar role with CBT myself which is ironic but it is a cause of not always practicing what you teach.
I have been to the doctors and waiting for an appointment to see psychatrist so fingers cross their will be some help some where :) I am really good at getting my work in on time as I am organised and don't like being late with anything so issues surrounding but I know that I can if the circumstances change in the furture :)

Hi there,

Have you made contact with student services? Your Uni will have a councelling service which you can access for free, you might be able to have some CBT or anxiety management which can really help when your in this situation. Dont be shy to use it, you would wait months on the NHS or pay a packet if you went private! Also if student services know about your anxiety you may be able to get extensions on your work etc..

Good luck with your final year and dont put too much pressure on yourself just do you best! :)

09-03-10, 09:08
Sadly I am not dyslexic but autisitic so hence why I have a lot of anxiety because they interlink and cause problems when you see professionals as I don't think they can deal with dual diagnosis!
Personally for me I much perfer the more Sociological type modules (Culture, Gener, Social) and I like 'hands on experience'. Psychology I find it not really appitising for me, but each to your own. Well done with having a baby, I really want to have a baby after uni, whether this will happen I don't know (I do have a partner hehe)

Hi again. I did Quantity Surveying at Nottingham Trent Uni. Funnily enough I got accepted on a psychology degree course at Nottingham and Wolverhampton Uni some years later. I declned both as I got pregnant (by IVF). I really wished I'd done psychology at uni though. I bet its fascinating. I had an economics lecturer with dyslexia, VERY clever man. The dyslexia has nothing to do with intellect though does it, is that what causes your anxiety?

09-03-10, 15:08
Sadly I am not dyslexic but autisitic so hence why I have a lot of anxiety because they interlink and cause problems when you see professionals as I don't think they can deal with dual diagnosis!
Personally for me I much perfer the more Sociological type modules (Culture, Gener, Social) and I like 'hands on experience'. Psychology I find it not really appitising for me, but each to your own. Well done with having a baby, I really want to have a baby after uni, whether this will happen I don't know (I do have a partner hehe)

Watch out partner!lol! Sorry I misunderstood about the dyslexia/autistic thing. I don't really know much about autism except I know there are different degrees of it. I don't know 1 single adult with it, can you believe that? Admire you for not letting it hold you back!

Did you do sociology A level then? I did. I loved criminal deviancy! What are your career plans after uni?

10-03-10, 11:02
yes done Sociology but I was put off becasue career wise it is not as respected as Psychology but now I am definately perfer it and my personal beliefs lie in that type of school of thought!
God I don't know what I am doing career wise, I perfer structure with thinks like advice, psychotherapy, support somewehre there me thinks