View Full Version : Fear of Watching Films

08-03-10, 22:07

Ok, im sat in bed and on television on channel 4 is premonition. It is a thriller/drama about a woman who is having trouble with the fact her husband has died. Somedays she wakes up and sees him and then next minute shes at his funeral. Her mind is playing games.

About a year and a half ago i rented this film from the dvd shop and 15minutes into it i started to panic. Its the music and the anticipation of the unknown which scared me. I have watched more of it tonight, but i still feel slightly anxious so ive decided to come on the laptop as a distraction.

I have this problem when going to the cinema. I used to be able to go and watch horrors/thrillers/dramas. But now, i wouldnt even dream of going to see a film of those genres. I am still on edge about going to see comedies, because i dont know what to expect and the thought of being in a dark room. I feel like i'm apart of the film - i get to involved.

Does anybody else feel like this? Any advice on how to overcome my fear?
It's still on in the background. But i need to stay on this so i feel some sense of reality :(

Thanks guys! xx :wacko:

ally b
08-03-10, 22:24
Hi claire,the same just happened to.Just watching "MARRIED,SINGLE,OTHER"and there was a girl on there who could smell burnt rubber,as it turns out she had a brain tumour.An right now i can smell it to.
This always seems to happen,been quite well most of the nite,now this.
I would love to know also how to get out ov this cycle.At this rate i will never watch telly again.:scared15:

08-03-10, 22:30
I feel a bit like this every time I see a film directed by Uwe Boll.

I think what's happening to you is you had panic symptoms during the film and now you associate watching films with having a panic attack. It may be that if you were feeling rubbish to begin with, your reaction to the sustained level of threat in the film and also the way it deals with death and disaster (I've seen that film too) could simply have acted as triggers.

You need to get behind the wheel (so to speak) as soon as possible. Think of a really good comedy or a feelgood film you love. Watch it with family or friends if you need reassurance. The first time is always the hardest by the way, and once is not always enough to dispel all your bad memories. But you can get back to normal. Try to associate watching films with being relaxed and having a good time. One bad experience can't spoil that :)

08-03-10, 23:51
Post removed by author

09-03-10, 09:29
I completely agree. I am going to face my fear this week and watch a drama (nothing too much to begin with) with the thought in mind..

'A film is a relaxing and enjoyable thing to do with family and friends'.

Lets see what happens

magic girl
09-03-10, 10:55
just after christmas i could'nt bear the trailer to silent witness i just had to hear the music and i had to leave the room and i cant bear to watch survivors either i found it morbid and depressing.