View Full Version : feeling anxious :-( any avice?

08-03-10, 23:16

I find that sometimes especially in the evenings my head will feel really tense and its not really a headache but my head just just feels really odd, i dont even know how to describe it and then i start thinking about brain tumours and i become really anxious and then the dizziness and other symptoms start.

any ideas what this is? or whats causing it? does it sound serious? any advice?

please reply
love louise xxxx

08-03-10, 23:50
I don't think it is anything serious for you to worry about. As when you tense up a lot of that tension and stress we hold in our neck and shoulders which in turn tightens up the muscles in our head and scalp. I think that this is what you are talking about.
And because you think about it and get worried that is why the dizzyness comes about.

09-03-10, 15:24
I'm freaking out even more now as i have woken up with a bad headache which is the main symptom of a brain tumour.

What do you think? Can anyone relate?

Love louise xxxx

09-03-10, 15:34
i have a sinus proble,m at moment and feel the same it could be that

09-03-10, 15:37
Hi Louise, I understand where you are coming from. Stress and anxiety are major factors in migraines and 'icepick' headaches - so waking up with a headache is completely understandable. And Lauz is right, we all tense up when we are stressed and worried, often without realising we're doing it, and that causes a lot of the aches and pains that frighten us! Please try not to worry. Hope you feel better soon.

09-03-10, 16:14
Hi Louise,

I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Sounds like tension headaches. I've had these on and off (mostly on) for 3 years now. I wake up with a headache almost every day, i'm constantly dizzy and basically fed up with it all now. The plus side is that after convincing myself I must have some terrible brain tumor I saw 2 neuroligists(?) who said it was all down to muscle tension. I had an mri as I was so worried and it came back fine.

I have found that physio and a chiropracter really helped.

I hope you feel better soon, try not to worry.


09-03-10, 17:04
I have to agree with most here - stress and tension! I have the same thing - I wake up with it and it can stay most of the day depending on what is going on in my life! In fact I am having that "tight" feeling right now....I'm not worried about a brain tumor (yet :shrug: anyway). I am amazed at what stress and tension can do to ones body!!

09-03-10, 18:33
Same here, tension in the neck and shoulders from work is an absolute pain! It sometimes gives me a bad tension headache, just wish I could ease the tension in my shoulders and neck. I do stretching exercises first thing in the morning and while I'm at work and this sometimes helps. I would just try to relax and if you can this will ease the tension. That's what I usually do once I get home from work with a lovely hot bath :-)

Hope you soon feel better, try not to worry, anxiety causes lots of symptoms like this.

Jannie x x