View Full Version : are meds right for me?

09-01-06, 18:51

my name is brad and suffer from anxiety. i have only been like this for about two weeks but i seem to be getting worse. my question to you is if it would be better to get on a small dose of meds early insted of waiting until later when my anxiety really picks up.


09-01-06, 19:06
Hi Brad, I think your GP would advise you here, have you had a visit. Also what does your heart tell you, there are lots of other ways to approach it without meds.

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

09-01-06, 19:07
Hi Bradley
This isnt an easy question to answer without knowing you, your medical history or how anxious you are, your doctor is the best person to decide this, however my PERSONAL opinion is that you are young and would be best to try all the other methods available to you first before trying medication,there is nothing wrong in resorting to pills to help people cope with working out their issues but i think it is too early for you to consider this unless you are very severe and it is under psychiatric supervision, please read all the information available on this forum and discuss with an adult that you trust and your family doctor, you can get over this with the correct help and support
good luck

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