View Full Version : pregabalin

09-03-10, 09:42
please help!

I am on this drug pregabalin (75mg) and am having terrible problems. Specifically, I am hungary all the time even in the middle of the night and am so tired that I can only manage to stay up for a couple of hours a day. Is anyone else having these problems?

I am thinking of withdrawaling has anyone else withdrawn and what problems did you have - I am worried that my adrenaline levels will surge.

Please help and tell me anything else that you have found with this drug.

Thanks very much.


09-03-10, 10:39
Increase of appetite and tiredness are two common side effects of lyrica (pregabalin). I myself got very tired from that drug, so I eventually quit it.

If you can only stay up a couple of hours a day you should consider to withdraw from it. There are 25 mg capsules, so what I did was to taper of 25 mg once a week.

I don't know how long you have been on this drug, but it IS addicting to your body. Dont listen to those ignorant doctors who says it isn't. Withdrawing can be tough for some, but i seriously doubt that it would be of any hazzle, concidering your daily dose is only 75-150 mg.

My withdrawal went fine, i didnt have any side effects really... go talk to your doctor about trying another medication maybe. If you decide to taper, do it slowly, as i said, 25 mg / week. If that is too fast, then do 25 mg every 14 days.

sarah jayne
09-03-10, 12:26
i tried it and hated it, it made me more anxious, didnt help with my pain ( i was prescribed it for pain) in fact it made my pain worse. I had no problems coming off it.
Sarah x

10-03-10, 11:46
Thank you sarah jayne and yogidude - very helpful comments.
