View Full Version : Effexor little help

09-03-10, 13:33
Well im 11 weeks in to Effexor Ive been of 150mg for around 6 weeks and to be honest Ive not noticed much the tiredness has gone as have all side effects but at the moment I feel like I may aswell be taking nothing my doc didnt want to up it anymore, but Im going to go back tomorrow. The problem is I keep crying because of these horrible intrusive thoughts and some days there really strong I hate it. My girlfriend has put up with it for so long but things came to a head and shes struggling to cope with it.......if I dont get better or hide it away from her I will lose her and I'll be devastated. It feels as though anti depressants were my last hope at feeling better and although they stopped me crying all the time they never really lifted my mood just kept my head above water.