View Full Version : Are hormones to blame for this ongoing nightmare?????????

09-03-10, 13:35
:unsure:Its so confusing. Anxiety attacks for no apparant reason, sat at home fully relaxed, fine one minute and full blown attack the next!!! Some days so bad the symptoms last all day, tourture. But then I wake the next morning and nothing at all, not even a lone palpertation!!I have been keeping a diary of my anxiety journey and symptoms for the last couple of months and am almost 100% sure that my hormones are to blame for the bad days and doomy thoughts im getting, as they always seem to fall mid cycle and the week before/after a period. I mentioned this to the doctor and even took the diary with me. I was very upset by the reaction I got, that it is nothing to do with a hormonal imbalance, here have another prescription for prozac!!!! She didnt even ask to see the diary!!! The more I research this the more convinced I am, Eastrogen dominance is the cause of the anxiety!!! That mixed with my overactive mind is a nightmare!!! Does anyone else have any experience of hormonal related anxiety and if so have you had any luck with getting doctors to believe it and possibly refer you on to somebody that can actually help??:weep:
Are our periods to blame and not our minds? what are the symptoms you get around certain times of the month, are they worse on some days of a cycle rather than others, for example nausea and palpertations. I am very interested to find out more about this as I will be printing out some of my findings and taking them along to the doctors with me, again and again until they actually listen to what im saying!!!!!

09-03-10, 13:55
Ive also been keeping a diary as my mood is so up and down lately...one minute im fine no problems at all then the next im so low.....it comes out of the blue and for no apparent reason...when i get the low mood thats when the physical symptoms set in...i make mountains out of mole hills, imagine that ive got every illness know to man,and convince myself i must be going mad.........im sure mine could be hormone related too but i havnt done much research into this mainly because i thought it had to happen at certain times of the month and mine happens anytime..in other words before,after and during my periods.........i will be keeping my diary for a while longer to see if a pattern emerges...after that i think i will go to see the doctor!!!!

09-03-10, 14:10
Ohhhh...me too - Istarted keeping a diary of how I was feeling and also what I was eating (I wanted to see if food had anythign to do with it too!)...I TOTALLY believe that hormones play a huge role in all of this. I have always had anxiety of some type - but it has gotten worse over the past few years and I bet it has to do with my body changing as I am in my 40's now!! Poo-poo on your Dr....I just can't imagine that hormones doesn't play some type of role....