View Full Version : Hi Everyone

09-03-10, 14:24
Hi to everyone.

I am off work today due to sickness, this hasnt happened for quite some time!!!! Today i have tight chest, breathless, palpatations and sounds strange but tight throat, feels like someone pushing on it.

I have suffered from bouts of anxiety and depression over the years but have fought it and have been okay for a while now.

I have done all the usual, food intolerance, bloods, ashma checks etc all come back negative.

Last time this happened really bad was when i was in the Maldives (the most relaxing place in the world, doesnt add up), i flew home and went straight the A and E convinced i was having heart attack, they kept me in for 5 days and found nothing!! I really felt stupid.

Anyway, because i have fought this before i am now convinced that it is infact something more serious as i feel worse than i have before, and i am tempted to go to doctors but feel i get no real help.

Any advice

09-03-10, 14:26
Hi missionangel

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-03-10, 22:10

Please don't feel stupid or that it is a waste of time going to your Doctor. After all even a 10 minute chat with your GP might be all the re assurance that you need

10-03-10, 17:10
Hi missionangel

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :hugs: