View Full Version : Hello!

09-03-10, 15:05
Hi, I'm not quite sure where to start, but here goes....
I'm an agoraphobic who runs a very busy pub in the Midlands. What a contradiction! I can chat, serve beer and look after 300 customers on a Saturday night, but ask me to go to Tescos or Asda, accompanied, or on my own, you've got no chance.

I cant go shopping, go to the bank, or have a day out, and I am obsessed with knowing where the loo is if Im out. My world is getting smaller.

I made myself go with the family to see a play at the local theatre. The chairs were all squashed together, my means of escape was nearly impossible. I had to really concentrate on the play. I felt ill, sick, I was hot and sweaty, but I kept it together for over an hour, just about!

My sister has the same problems as me, but she takes over the counter medicine to stop her going to the loo. My Mother has had these problems all her life, but turned to alcohol at 30 to conquer her fears. She is still drinking at 76, and almost a recluse now.

Sorry this is so long winded. I do not want to end up like my Mother, and if I can find some help I can also help my sister. We both thought we were suffering from anxiety up until a week ago, but the more I read the more I think these are agorphobic symptoms.

Any advice please on where to go from here. x

09-03-10, 15:06
Hi derella

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-03-10, 22:05

Have a look at the advice down the left hand side. You will find it very helpful.

10-03-10, 00:54
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
It seems a mountain to climb and perhaps I put my problem in the wrong section, but I was just so relieved that there were other people out there with similar problems, I got a bit carried away!

10-03-10, 01:13
Hi Derella !

I have agoraphobic tendencies as well. I have been housebound in the past and it can be a struggle to leave the house when life becomes more stressful.

The strange bit of it is I work in a very hectic service based family business- so I can work well in crowds and give talks to groups etc but I couldn't go anywhere (barely leave my house) to my personal errands !

I can understand your predicament and I wish you a HUGE warm welcome to NMP !

10-03-10, 01:15
Hi I suffer w agraphobia and although I go out I panic if I feel trapped,I love the theatre but wont go unless im on the end of a row.Because Im anxious I keep running to the loo so that restricts me going out as I worry about it.Controlling your breathing and I try and count or play games on my phone anything to take my mind off the panic often helps.

10-03-10, 10:03
Hi there.

Yep definitely sounds like agrophobia that you suffer from. I have it too! At my worst I have been house bound for a year, couldnt even go to the local pub 5 mins down the road without feeling like I was going to die. I think it all stems from my fear of having a panic attack infront of others as I did when I had my first attack all thos eyears ago!

Agrophobia isnt just a fear of going out, its the fear of having a panic attack. I used to have to sit on the end of the row in lectures at college, I have to know where the exits of a room are, I cant sit in the back of a car if there are no doors.... anything that might trap me so I can't incase I have a panic attack causes me to have a panic attack! its rediculous that Im always thinking about what if... and not just getting on with things and trusting in myself that I wont have a panic attack and most of the time I don't, but thats the nature of the beast! I hope to overcome it one day as I'd love to be able to go abroad.

There is lots of good info on here to read up, your not alone! :)

Vanilla Sky
10-03-10, 10:20
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

10-03-10, 17:19
Hi derella

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I have found that reading the experiences & advice of others on here has been a great help to me. I have been able to go places that I never thought I'd be able to.

Best wishes :hugs:

10-03-10, 17:28
Hello,,,and welcome,
Regards Redrainbow

10-03-10, 20:19
Thank you for the warm welcome and all your kind words and encouragement.
Sometimes its such a ridiculous state to be in. My head is telling me I'm not going to faint, die etc in this situation, but my body is doing other things. As Bluebelle said she can talk in public etc, so can I, but everyday task can sometimes seem impossible. My customers would be amazed if I told them!!
Also it seems to run in my family, has anyone found this also? x