View Full Version : night sweats

Rachel W
09-03-10, 15:15

I haven't been getting these but I know that in the past I have had the odd one, very very rarely. I did wake up last night a tiny bit sweaty, but not really wet or anything and I think that I had been wrapped tightly in the duvet.

I was wondering whether if these are very rare occasions is it normal for everyone? If someone was getting nightsweats because of something else, would they be consistent or more than a few times a year? the only two that I have had in the past couple of years have been when I accidentally was tangled a little in bed clothes...

Please help though as it is just yet another thing that is getting to me. I am in a downward spiral of anxiety right now...

09-03-10, 15:27
Hi Rachel, this is one of my worries too as I also have occasional night-sweats. I actually had it happen a couple of nights ago, woke up really sweaty and panicked, only to realise I had forgotten to turn off the electric blanket when I got into bed. I think if it were a sign of something more sinister, it would be more regular and you would notice it was happening a lot.

09-03-10, 15:33
Rachel -- I remember after my grandmother died, I was under EXTREME anxiety and I would get these from time to time. I told my doctor and he wasn't overly concerned about it based on my circumstances and lack of any other real symptoms outside of my anxiety. It could be due to stress. I also get them a couple times of year around "that" time. It's my hormones adjusting. And, yours could be simply hormonal. If it continues the usual response would be for me to suggest you get yourself checked for reassurance, but I don't think there is anything to worry about. :) Wiskers ~

Rachel W
09-03-10, 16:22
I may have had one last year, but then I was accidentally caught up in the blanket, and I remember going through a stage were I had a few but I was sleeping continuously on a rubber inflatable bed. This morning I was barely sweaty (clothes were dry), so what I was asking was is it possible that just sleeping too wrapped up, or nightmares or rubber mattress could cause these kinds of things, and also if you only get sweaty perhaps once a year, could it just simply be from having been too hot in bed?


09-03-10, 17:01
Hi there

I do get night sweats a couple of times a month, and mine are mainly down to hormones! I find about a week before my period is due I tend to get hot and sweaty at night, and often wake sweating.

Hormonal changes could be worth baring in mind also

Lots of love

09-03-10, 17:06
Hormones for me too! I get night sweats every so often...no ryhm or reason - just happenes. I think mine are because of hormones...

09-03-10, 19:39
Yep same for me, Hormones..just before my period I have dreadful night sweats...my periods are a bit all over the place at the moment ...so Im getting random night sweats too...Try not to worry you will be fine..we all go through it from time to time..take care.

10-03-10, 13:57
yep hormones for me too, just before and first 2 days of my period, i found prozac also gave me night sweats

10-03-10, 14:06
i get night sweats now and again. I think its the sertaline that i am on

mandie x

10-03-10, 19:18
Remember, the night sweats that concern doctors are the really drenching ones, where you have to change your clothes, and even bed sheets.

Otherwise, waking up hot and sweaty is so common in pre-menopausal and menopausal women (less so post-menopausal) that it is less common not to have them from time to time.

Everyone on this forum should expect a mild night sweat from time to time being that it is a classic symptoms of anxieties and nightmares.

10-03-10, 21:31
I've always been prone to them, I sort of sleep 'hot' if you know what I mean. OH is always cold. Saves on the central heating! I'm post menopause, but still wake with the odd adrenaline rush. It's normal.

03-08-10, 08:41
I've always been prone to them, I sort of sleep 'hot' if you know what I mean. OH is always cold. Saves on the central heating! I'm post menopause, but still wake with the odd adrenaline rush. It's normal.

I agree with sandradee

Anxiety and hormones often cause waking up in a sweat.. Post meno is also very common to have hot flushes and sweating for many women as hormones have fluctuations.

03-08-10, 12:46
I had these all the time since having my baby, and now almost 8 months later I still get them from time to time as my hormoes are adjusting. I toldmy Dr about these and he wasn't bothered in the slightest. The ones I get are quite bad, I have to change my nightshirt although not my sheets.