View Full Version : Recurrent Unipolar Depressive Disorder

09-03-10, 15:25
I know this may seem unrelated to anxiety and panic, but I started suffering with panic about 2 years ago, and for the whole of my life had these feelings of sadness that I couldnt explain. The anxiety and panic just made me feel worse. I then had about 3 months free from all symptoms and then bam back they are again like a bad smell.
Does anyone know anything about this disorder, I have tried looking up on the net, but not been too sucessful! I am Duloxetine 60mg, is this a normal doseage and drug for this illness?
Any comments will help! :)

09-03-10, 15:25
Might be helpful to add I have been diagnosed with this disorder, and tryint o get my head around it.

09-03-10, 17:05
Unipolar depression is the same as major depression. It is identified by having depressive symptoms for over two weeks. Bi-polar depression is characteristically depression as well as mania unipolar/major depression is just depression. There is a list of characteristics of depression on the internet or on this site I would expect. I also have been diagnosed as having severe recurrent depressive disorder. It has interfered with my life and I have had episodes throughout my adult life. On some occasions I have needed to be hospitalised. Duloxetine is good anti depressant and 60mg is usually in the upper range of doses. It was not suitable for me however. As I have got older the episodes have been more frequent but the methods of dealing with it have become more effective. I am now on a mood stabiliser and an anti depressant. Do you see a psychiatrist? I see mine about once every four to six weeks. I also lead a very busy and fulfilled lfe and there is no reason that you shouldn't too. Acceptance is the key and being aware of stresses and knowing when you are likely to fall ill, not ignoring it and asking for help. PM me if I can be of any more assistance. EJ.