09-01-06, 20:13
Hello everyone!
Throughout December, I was in a humdinger of a set-back. After suffering with anxiety and panic attacks for the last 5 years, I was really doing well with my recovery. The last 3 years, I have lived a pretty normal life with the odd set-back thrown in but the anxiety has always been there simmering under the surface. This latest set-back has taught me a valuable lesson and made me realise just why I haven't made that final step to full recovery. Over the years I have been 'managing' my anxiety not 'conquering' the real fear. I have developed good coping skills and learn how to get through certain situations etc. But none of this has actually dealt with the core issue - my fear. I still can't face it full on - i just skirt around it. I fear the physical sensations anxiety brings and in turn fear losing control of myself. Diversion, change of diet, physical activity, accepting and letting time pass etc - yes they are all instrumental in dealing and coping with anxiety but don't rid you of it altogether. Throughout December, my routine was upside down, my husband was off work doing my head in, we had loads of visitors, xmas was hectic and because I couldn't control and placate my anxiety like I usually do, I fell into a rotten set-back. Until I really face this, warts and all, I will always get these set-backs.
When I found a spider on the kitchen floor not long back, I quickly put a pan on it and there it stayed all day til my husband came home- I pushed it out the way when I needed to but never took the pan off. This is exactly how I deal with my panic/anxiety. Always keeping a lid on it, tip toeing around it, still getting on with things but knowing all along its still there. I have killed many spiders in my time, I have endured many panic episodes and come through them, yet I am still scared of spiders and I am still scared of panic. Until I can really face my fear, squish that spider under my thumb and know I can squish the biggest and hairiest of them, I will never be trully free of my fear. So, until I can really lose all fear of those physical sensations and possible outcomes, I'll never be free of panic.
I have been feeling better recently now that I am back in my routine and I am more determined that ever to beat this.
How do you wipe out that basic fear? Exposure hasn't worked, yes I gain confidence but the fear is still imprinted on my brain.
Lots of love,
Fradycat xx

09-01-06, 20:24

I beleive you have just discovered the secret to a full recovery. we can take all the meds in the world, however, we fear ourselves. Once that is realised then a plan for confronting and beating the root cause of the illness can be achieved. Well done, I am sure the next post I read from you will be telling us how you are well on the way to recovery.


09-01-06, 21:13
Oh wow - well that sums most of us up nicely too!!!

I think realising there is no golden key and to stop being really hard on ourselves is a start.

By that I mean get on and live the best way you know how, rather than putting things off until you feel 'better' (obviously in a moderate fashion - no need to go sky diving just yet)!!!

I also think we need to be realistic in our goals - most of say we want to be like we were before this started but isnt that unrealistic, as we did have anxieties and fears before too. We also forget that so called unanxious people are actually coping with alot of worries and fears too. We seem to think this is exclusive to us.

Be who you are and be proud of who you are and don't be afraid to ask for help when its needed - this is a strength not a weakness.

I am just as unique now as I was before (ooh get her - been reading too much again)!!!!

Piglet xxx

09-01-06, 21:58
piglet i think you hit the nail on the head we are all probably under illusions as to who we were before if im honest ive alweays been a worrier and scared of the inevitable so now i am probably nearer to myself than i suspect perhaps this is the same for you fradycat perhaps we should as piglet says concentrate on enjoying the life we lead now instead of striving for a "better" one
life is for living as best we can
i think we need to like ourselfs i no i really dont like me maybe thats the root of it

09-01-06, 22:06
*How do you wipe out that basic fear?*

By changing your attitude to it . Nigels analagy is great if you can apply it to your issues and maybe if you can't we can try and come up with something between us for you to try.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-01-06, 20:13
Hello All!
A big thanks to all of your replies!
I read them earlier and I have been having a good think. Nigel, you are sooo right. You have made me realise that I have to live in peace with the spiders aswell as finding peace with my anxiety! I am bigger and stronger than any spider and am also bigger and stronger than any fear. We have all got to live with a certain level of anxiety - its our protection device - so its all about acceptance and finding your inner peace. I have been facing my panic/fears with a new perspective - today I went to a large D.I.Y store and when I went to queue up, the usual alarm signals went off, I started to tense up, my heart started to beat harder etc, I had to wait ages for an old couple to fill some pensioner discount forms in! (typical!), but instead of freaking and wanting to run off, I looked at my feelings from an objective point of view, realised that no more would come of it, and dismantled the fear. The symptoms went as quickly as they came, I chatted to the checkout woman and was on my way. I was really impressed considering I'm on my period at the moment and I always suffer more at this time.
A lot more practice is needed, but I am determined not to be afraid of my feelings anymore. Its like your mind is tricking you really - like when you watch a scary movie and you get frightened, you know its not real yet your mind believes it for that moment and your're scared. Afterwards you feel daft!
I'll carry on practising and let you know how I get on - I may be of some help to others, you never know!
Lots of love as always!
Fradycat xxxx

10-01-06, 20:21
Well done Fradycat. That was a fantastic achievement today.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Its like your mind is tricking you really - like when you watch a scary movie and you get frightened, you know its not real yet your mind believes it for that moment and your're scared.<div align="right">Originally posted by fradycat - 10 January 2006 : 20:13:37</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Yes, misusing your imagination to scare yourself when you can turn this around and imagine feeling calm in these situations instead. Keep practising!


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

11-01-06, 12:41
Oh fradycat well done mate :D

From that one positive seed of a way at looking at things in B&Q, a huge great tree will grow. Super :)

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

11-01-06, 19:14
Wow! I can identify with so much of what has been said here. I have been struggling for days now trying to get my head round why sometimes I can deal so much better and hardly remember I have anxiety and at other times it rears its head and I think about things 24/7. It suddenly struck me reading the posts here that I cannot change who I am, it is an integral part of me and I have to learn to be who I am and live with it and stop keep trying to change to someone I am not. I want to be that strong, confident person that is in my mind would make me feel better, but in actual fact I am who I am and experiencing anxiety the way I do and probably everone here makes us the nice people that we are.

Its so encouraging to read the postings on here and know that other people think the way I do.

14-01-06, 21:18
Focus on the now.

Keep a positive log.

Forget the bad as soon as it happens.

Do what makes you happy

Try not to linger on anything that makes you feel bad, uncomfortable, out of control etc.

Plan onward and upwards.

Push yourself a little bit each time you have reached a plateau

And remember little and often is the key to over all success, trying to run before you can walk only leads to disappointment and frustration.

Think Zen - Buddhist type thought - you are what you are today. Don't push yourself too hard, but don't allow yourself to stagnate either!

Best of luck with the final stages


Nemesis - Rita QofS I JFDI'd THEM!!!!!!

16-01-06, 23:14
Hi Fradycat

What a fantastic post, and some fab replies you have had. You all sound so positive despite your anxiety and fears.

Whilest you are on the final step to recovery, I am still at the bottom, but it helps to know that people out there DO deal with things despite the fear - this can only be encouraging for me.

Thanks and I hope you continue to conquer your anxiety and fears.