View Full Version : high bp reading update

09-03-10, 17:55
I posted a thread the other day as I had been for a preop check at the hospital and they were concerened as my bp was 140/107 :huh:

i made an appointment at my gp and have of course been anxious and worried all week about what that would say and to top it all off its a new docs so I didnt know what to expect :wacko:

So I went in today and saw the nurse and they were all really lovely. I told her about my bp and they checked it for me. The problem was that they couldnt get a reading on the electronic bp monitor. They tried 5 times and couldnt get the blooming thing to work right. Of course I convinced myself that she wasnt telling me the reading because it was so horrific and all these different senarios were going through my head :unsure:

In the end they did it the old fashioned way and said that the reason they couldnt get a reading was because I have deep veins :huh:

Finally they got a reading and it was 140/98 which they said was still high but a lot better than my original reading and that it was probably becuase Im anxious about my op on saturday and because it had been such a kerfuffle to get a reading. She said that although it was still higher than ideal it wasnt dangerously high or anything and to just relax which is easier said than done of course.

Im feeling a lot better about it all now and am going to start a walking regieme to try and get it even lower :)

09-03-10, 18:01
I'm amazed your bp wasn't even higher after that!! As they say its a bit high but nothing much and probably at home when no one is taking your bp its normal. My 87 yr old mother in law is on huge amount of bp meds and still has a bp of 190/100 - she has been like this for years and nothing they do gets it lower but she is still around at 87.

I always say I need to have my bp and pulse taken while completely unconscious as thats the only time I am not anxious about having it taken:)

09-03-10, 18:36
Thats good news! Good idea about the walking, I havent done any exercise for a while since I started having palpitations from anxiety, I know I need to start doing some otherwise I will get too unfit and that could affect my health. Im going to go for my first walk in ages tomorrow! good luck to you with your new regime! :)

10-03-10, 11:30
Hi, BP is my big thing at the moment too so can really relate to your worries & anxiety over readings. Mine was 170 / 85 on 2 seperate visits to the Drs a week appart so he was fairly conserned but decided to monitor at home for 2 weeks (I'm due back to see him with my results tomorrow). Although my readings have come down significantly (average 137/86) I still get wound up each time I know I'm going to take it - even though I'm at home in peace & quiet I can hear my heart start to thud. Last 3 days my reading has been 122 / 82 which is almost perfect, I just can't make any sense of it yet it occupies my thoughts almost all the time !!