View Full Version : Emotional!

09-03-10, 19:12
Am on week 9 now of Citalopram 20mg and feeling strange! Feel very up and down the last couple of weeks. But the strangest thing is that today I feel very emotional - I have already cried for no real reason and feel like the slightest thing could set me off! I don't feel depressed in the same sense I did before the Citalopram but just suddenly feel overwhelmed with emotion! I felt emotionless before so maybe I've now gone to the opposite end of the spectrum!!

Anyone else experience this on Citalopram?:shrug:

ally b
09-03-10, 19:18
Hi moomin. Yes i do get this to...... an its so frustrating because when i first started on the cit,i found it relly hard to cry when i thought i needed to.,an now it just comes.I belive it to be apart ov this journey we go on wiv anx/depression.
:hugs:it will get better. xx

09-03-10, 19:21
Thanks Ally B - this anxiety/depression thing is the most bizarre thing I've ever had!! It's no picnic in the park that's for sure!! I think I am tired aswell as didn't sleep at all last night so can't help!!

ally b
09-03-10, 19:29
Tired butt cant sleep,its horrid and its makes ya 10 times worse.I have recently had to up my dose to 40mg,i was so scared,butt day 4 i i honestly feel alot better,i just ope this lasts,fingers crossed.Iv only been suffering since oct 2009,an there are people on here that hav had it for years,i really dont know where they get their strengh from,its already doing my head in. xx

09-03-10, 19:49
Lol! I know exactly what you mean! I only started all this back in November 2009 and diagnosed in December! Didn't start Citalopram until two days before New Years Eve. I have a friend who suffers depression and she is on 50mg Citalopram. I may see how I go on this dose for a while and if I'm still up and down will see what the doc thinks about increasing.:)

ally b
09-03-10, 19:52
Thats the best thing you can do.I wish you well:flowers: