View Full Version : Hasimtos

09-03-10, 20:27
Hi all, does anyone know if the symptoms that ive been having can be caused by hasimotos disese? Sorry about the spelling :blush: I have been referred to and endo and they seem tp think its that? Any help would be appreiciated. xxxxx

09-03-10, 22:42
Hi Carli,

I have hashimotos disease.... I have soooo many symptoms. What are your main ones?

Kirstine xxx

10-03-10, 16:50
hi kirstine. I have numbness, tingling, vibration feeling in my legs, hot sweats, depression, eyes problems....etc.....they are my main ones though. Thanks xxxx

10-03-10, 16:55

I have had all of those, particularly weakness, in my legs especially. Have you had your thyroid tested? Do you know what the results were? Most importantly, did they test for thyroid antibodies? Feel free to email me.. i'll send you my email address in a private message.

Kirst xxxxx

10-03-10, 17:03
Hi, thyroid levels are up and down, but at the moment they are normal, so dr ordered a ultrasound and a pernache scan (sorry about spelling) ultrasound showed abnormality in lower part of thyroid, as in overactivity and the scan showed over activity aswell. Dr says this is odd and is ordering a antibody blood test as he says 10% dont showup in normal blood test? Ive been petrifed i have ms but am now wondering if this could be the cause. Dr thinks antibody is attcking thyroid? At the moment i have vibration sensation in legs. Do you think it could be related? xxxxxx