View Full Version : Ovarian cyst - Fluid Filled

09-01-06, 20:20
I have been having crampy bloating for the past three weeks, I got an ultrasound and the doctor said I have a 2 cm cyst on my ovary (non-cancerous), but I have been so uncomfortable and have a lot of lower back pain, can anyone relate.

Has anyone else every had pain with a cyst?

09-01-06, 20:31
I can relate - I had a cyst a couple of years ago and it caused me a lot of lower groin pain which took me off to the doctors.

My doctor was very reassuring and said at any given time there will be many numbers of women with harmless ovarian cysts who don't know they have got one as they don't cause any probs and usually clear up by themselves.

I had mine for over 18 months and went every 6 months for a scan and it got to 3cm in size at one point. Then all of a sudden it just went.

I am glad I did listen to my doctor and not worry about it too much (I did abit but only in a normal way) cos it turned out as she said "nothing to worry about".

Does that help?

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

11-01-06, 13:22
Boy, when i had a cyst on my left-hand ovary the pain was dreadful so i know how you feel. Most females have small cysts every month but these cause no probs and disappear on there own. Mine was over the 5cm mark and i ended up having to have mine removed, but i was told anything under this size they don't.

Yours will disappear no doubt and you will be pain free.

Hope you feel better soon

Trish x

11-01-06, 13:23
Boy, when i had a cyst on my left-hand ovary the pain was dreadful so i know how you feel. Most females have small cysts every month but these cause no probs and disappear on there own. Mine was over the 5cm mark and i ended up having to have mine removed, but i was told anything under this size they don't.

Yours will disappear no doubt and you will be pain free.

Hope you feel better soon

Trish x

13-03-06, 20:54
hi i was 8 weeks pregnant and seemd to have a pritty bigish bump when i first seen my midwife she thought the bump was big she had a scan done which showed a ovarian cyst it was about the size of a medium water mellon!they wated till i was about 5 months pregnant and i went to theater to have it removed i have gone on to have another child.
i do worry about getting another one as with my health anxiaty i feel i am not
strong to get oparated on

22-04-06, 14:25
I've been meaning to register for ages after finding this website so supportive and making me feel like I'm NOT the only person out there who has these irrational fears about dying, cancer etc.
My present fear is ovarian cancer as I have been having faint twinges on and off for the past twelve months in my left groin area (not even 100% sure where my ovaries are!) I had blood tests in January (for infertility) and they came back showing I was really healthy. Surely if there was a problem it would have showed up?!!!
I have a funny feeling in my left leg from time to time and my osteopath told me that was why my back ached and also that my lymph node in my left groin area was slightly enlarged because of it.
I've diagnosed myself with IBS (hasn't everyone??!!) to explain the twinges as well.
Posting on here is like writing my diary but not keeping it secret anymore - and not feeling quite so stupid.[Sigh...]