View Full Version : Unable to break the circle...any help?

09-03-10, 21:06

I've been on here many times and found much comfort from the postings and advice. I have not made many postings, but I hope you will bear with me while I rant a bit? :shrug:
My panic attacks started shortly after my first daughter was born by emergency c-section, when I was 31(i'm now 35). I had all the usual symptoms and eventually (as many here have too) ended up in A&E twice thinking I was having a heart attack or a stroke. The first time they gave me a full check up including an ECG and chest X-Ray. All was fine, I just had raised blood pressure. I continued to have anxiety and panic attacks, so went to see the GP, who refered me to a councellor. She helped me to deal with the panic and helped me find a way to relax using breathing techniques, which was great. I have always been quite a big drinker, and found that when I drank too much the anxiety and panic was always greater in the following days. What I found however was that I had become dependant on alcohol to relax of the evening, and to sleep. I was always grouchy the next day and suffered anxiety and depression. After having our second baby, again by c-section I became totally reliant on booze to get me to sleep. When I was younger drinking was never an issue, never having hangovers or being sick etc, but I suppose having two young children the lack of sleep tied in with the drink made things so bad. Anyway at the end of last year my wife left me, and I am now renting a house on my own. I have the girls maybe 3 nights per week.
Problem now is I cannot sleep without a drink. I have tried Horlicks and herbal sleeping aids, and having the radio on etc. I can go a maximum of 2 nights without a drink, but the nights are awful with palpitations and rarely more than 4 hours asleep.
It seems I can control the panic attacks, but the anxiety is always with me. I am convinced that drinking so much for so long has damaged my health someway and take many pills trying to make myself better. I am frightened to go to the doctors in case he confirms there is a problem. Usually after a night of not drinking I feel great, and as a walker can easily do a 10 mile hike without getting out of breath, which then confirms to my mind that I am actually Ok and can afford to have a drink that night.
I am depressed with the loneliness of being by myself, and that it was my fault my family has fallen apart. How can I break this circle and start pulling myself together? Should I go to the GP? Or is there a way I can help myself and break the circle of drinking to sleep? I'm sure if I can go a certain time my wellbeing will give me the opportunity to sleep and start repairing myself. I often convince myself I am jaundiced or have pains in my liver, always looking for yellow eyes etc. Although when I visit friends or family, they tell me I look fine and the usual colour etc.
I'm 35 and want a life now. I'm sure the counseller I saw did her best, but there must be an under-lying problem that has caused me to be this way? Would anyone recommend an hypnotherapist?

Cheers anyway


09-03-10, 22:01

Sounds as though you may be in a wee circle of habit that you just need to break. As you have already realised it's not a great idea to use drink as method of relaxation in the way you have. I doubt very much that you have done damage to your liver because you sound as though you are fairly fit otherwise and it takes a lot to damage a liver. Try some sort of exercise as a way of using up energy and getting yourself into a pattern of relaxation afterwards. Please remember though if you have not exercised in while it is always best to visit your GP prior to taking it up.

Also, have you ever though of yoga? Great for relaxation and wellbeing. Good way of meeting new people if you join a club.