View Full Version : Feeling better.. As soon as in the docs room!!!!

ally b
09-03-10, 21:22
Feeling so frustated right now,i suffer from health anx which as also bought on agraphobia because of the symtoms of anxiety i get,feeling like im gonna drop down dead,feeling like my legs just wont go etc...
I find it so strange,also so so very fake,that as soon as i go in to the docs room all my symptoms,an feeling seem to settle,not as bad.I find it so hard to tell them how iv been feeling,or the way im feeling.But as soon as get home im on this bloody down hill rollacoaster.

Am i fake?????????
Do any of you guys get this????????????

09-03-10, 21:54
No, you are not fake. Your symptoms are real and frightening, and no one can fake that. I think you calmed down because you were in a place that maybe brings you comfort. You might have a good repoire with your doctor, like I do mine. Your doctor is someone you can talk to and sometimes just having that can be comforting -- someone who just might understand. You might even link a visit to your doctor with reassurance. I wish I could give you a definitive answer, but I am not completely sure. I think that there is some level of security with your doctor you aren't finding at home and why you get more anxious when you get home. I remember going through something similar here AT home. My grandfather lives with me and is under hospice care. For awhile a nurse would come in everyday to tend to him. It was when she was here I felt better, more relaxed. I am agoraphobic, too, and I feel panicky whenever I have to just take my daughter to preschool, but when that nurse was here, I wasn't as anxious even about that. But, my grandfather refused the nurses help and thus I was told she would be no longer coming. For awhile afterward I regressed and had more anxiety and my agoraphobia increased. I have not yet understood what happened myself. Anxiety is a very complicated thing and it doesn't act the way we want it to. Point is -- this is a very real condition and I don't want you to think you are faking. I really think it can shut itself on and off depending on our circumstances and what is going on around us. Again, not always in our control. I hope the doctor was able to give you some reassurance. Hugs, Wiskers ~

10-03-10, 01:58
Not fake at all.
Stress is amazing, it is real and the pain etc that your feel is real. It has no other way of exiting the body other than with physical symptoms.
The fact that you are in the doctors and are feeing better may be that you feel safe there and your stress levels subsisde.
Perhaps when you start feeling down etc take note of it and start a diary, I find it always helps when I go to the doctor if I have things written down for the exact same reason that I feel better there and also cause I am forgetful haha.

10-03-10, 05:06
Hi Ally

You are not faking the way you feel and I think it happens to a lot of us, be it anxiety related or other forms of illness..we walk into the doctor he says how are you and we say fine...it is only then we try to describe how we are feeling but because it is the doctor we somehow never say it quite how it is and then walk out regretting it..

Maybe it is that phew or maybe it is because it is the way we are brought up..you know bath before doctors play down your symptoms the doctor is very busy..who knows but you are not alone...


10-03-10, 05:07
Lol this happens to me too :)
And i think it shows that our fears are unreliable because if they change then they not completely true are they ?
this isnt something to take personally what i mean is that it shows there are times when you kinda realise there is nothing really to worry about or you have times when you not over thinking !

there has been so many times when ive waited to ask say counsellor or someone a question about how i feel and before ive got there ive realised i know the answer myself or the question isnt really necessary . not to say you shouldnt ask questions but im pointing out similar moment you have at doctors . i think that you have became worried about not worrying that you have forgot the rest of your worries because your so fixated on the ' oh no! i dont feel bad now whats he going to think lol
but thats not really worry worrying about either because you have other options ,

you could explain (to doctor) what you have just explained to us ?

or you could say 'doc, ifelt i needed to come to see you but now realise i dont'

and this is same for everything we put so much concern on our fears that we forget how unreal and illogic they are !

10-03-10, 11:25
Johnno -- I liked your response. It gave ME something to think about. If, in certain situations, the symptoms stop then it was just fear driving them and not an actual illness. I'm going to keep that in mind for future reference, and TRY and remember that the next time my symptoms go all haywire. :yesyes:
Ally, I hope you are feeling better about things today. Hugs, Wiskers ~

10-03-10, 13:02
Hi ally

I understand the feeling of agrophobia. My Mom suffered with that for about 6 months.. and GAD and specifically health anxiety for over 40 years.. My health anxiety has got to a level now where I have no option but to talk to the doc about it. My problem is that my anxiety levels shoot through the roof even to think of the word doctor.:ohmy:
I dont go anywhere alone these days. Im with hubby or a family member. It really ruins your social life and makes you feel locked inside yourself if you know what I mean.

13-03-10, 15:14
I suffer the same thing, and I think the reason why this happens is because when you are in the doctors surgery, you know that if anything happens, you will be saved. Does that make sense?

I know with myself, my biggest fear is what happens if I faint? Who will save me? Being in the doctors gives a feeling of reassurance that if 'something' happens, then someone there will be educated on how to treat you.

ally b
13-03-10, 23:01
I suffer the same thing, and I think the reason why this happens is because when you are in the doctors surgery, you know that if anything happens, you will be saved. Does that make sense?

I know with myself, my biggest fear is what happens if I faint? Who will save me? Being in the doctors gives a feeling of reassurance that if 'something' happens, then someone there will be educated on how to treat you.

What you say does make sense yes.You know what frightens me the most,my partner coming home an finding me DEAD.When im on my own i always try to make sure the house is safe an secure eg. gas on the cooker off,fire off,take keys out off the door, im so so scrared ov something happening.When i run the bath an partner at work,if i feel i lil off then i turn the taps off just incase it floods the house,an hurts my lil jake(my lil yorkie cross).Its not so much me,i just dont want others to be hurt by me.:scared15::mad::weep::wacko:

Sorry if i dont make much sense.Somedays i wanna crack this illness,and others i cant even try to even imagine how it was to be normal.