View Full Version : How to end the physical symptoms???

09-03-10, 22:06
I have had a number of physical symptoms come and go threw the yrs. Right now I am having burning or hypersensitive skin. Hard to explain since it moves and seems to be ultra sensitive to clothes or touch almost burning, very weird. Driving me crazy though. Once I feel it I can not stop thinking that my Drs must of missed something and trying to analyze why it is happening.
I need advice on how to stop this, it has consumed my mind and I need to end the cycle so it goes away!
Yes I have been to all my Dr's already.
Any advice would be appreciated!!!

09-03-10, 22:20

This is the adrenaline in your system making your senses super sensitive. I cannot recommend exercise highly enough as a method of using up adrenaline and promoting a sense of overall wellbeing. It does not have to be marathon man stuff - just whatever suits you. Tied in with some yoga it will help a great deal.

09-03-10, 22:39
Funny you mention excesice because I was working out every day and around Dec it slowed to like once a week at best and that is when my symptoms started creeping back in. I have worked out two days already this week and plan on some yoga tomorrow so I hope it will help. Thanks

10-03-10, 00:38
Hi hun :D:hugs:

There is another explanation for this, due to anxiety, the nevouse system.

The nervous system is a very complex network of electrically charged nerves which are found in every square centimeter of your body, around every organ, muscle and across your skin, the largest organ in the body. Abnormal nerve impulses due to anxiety can cause a vast array of strange sensations; although quite harmless these can be very disturbing.

I am panic, high anxiety free because of this great site, but I still can get this from time to time. I have had it on the side of my face, the top of my leg the top of one arm Mmm and other places to, it feels tender to touch like a miner burn.

You have had good advice already :yesyes: I would aslo say relaxation cds help too. The more we take note of a symptom the longer it last, if we can give ourselves good reasons for it being there, use positive statments, eg, ohh my anxietys kicking off a little this is ?? quote what one of us have written, (nervous system, adrenaline) tell yourself your fine it will pass, then go on to distract yourself, this will pass hunn.

Hope this helps,



06-08-10, 20:08
I have found this post really interesting, as i suffer from this, especially after a really anxious period, i thought it was just me! I get it in my legs alot and although i havent been too bothered by it, this explanation makes perfect sense thank you x

06-08-10, 21:41
hi, i have had a burning, sore type of sensation on the left side of my knee for a few months now. It feels sore to touch and even if i get a draft on it or wet clothes on it, it feels sore. My skin just feels sore there. Like when you have flu. that like what you mean? also i get burning, prickly type sensations on other parts of my body, but not really like the thing on my knee.

sarah x

07-08-10, 11:10
I have had tender patches as I call themf or about 30 yrs now since I was in my late teens. Incredibly painful at a light touch but okay if you press hard and feels like a burn and also get sharp stinging pains in area as well. I can get then lterally anywhere on my body and in fact I have- even had it agony to blink when its been my eyelid. usually with me they only last 48 hrs then go but tend to come in attacks that come and go all over body for about three weeks then go away for months?????

My husband who also gets them occasionally and he has no health anxiety at all but maybe any anxiety or stress can trigger them.


07-08-10, 11:35
Ive had that same sensation on the left side of my head for the last two days..

feels sore and tender to touch...

although I have had a 2 weeks tension headache !!!
