View Full Version : Feeling awful

10-03-10, 09:42
i normally try and play down any feelings of agitation I get but I'm really srtuggling this morning.

I'm not sure if it has anything to do with starting Citalopram last week, I don't go looking for negative side effects but it seems too much of a coincidence that I'm feeling like this now.

From yesterday evening I have had an awful feeling of physical tension in my stomach, like that feeling of impending doom? I know it sounds melodramatic but that is exactly what it feels like and it has been with me all last night and is still here this morning.

I'm going to carry on as normal but I don't need to feel like this, not now. I don't know what to do for the best, how to get rid of this feeling.

Could really do with some advice, reassurance, anything.


Vanilla Sky
10-03-10, 10:39
Hi Ladybird , sorry you're feeling so bad hun. I haven't been on Citalopram , so i'm not sure about side effects, but i do read about other people's experiences on it and it does sound familiar. I think it increases your anxiety the first few weeks, I don't know if i could cope with that im anxious enough without that. Then on the other hand if i knew for sure it was just a side effect , i would probably stick it out because again i've read how people begin to feel so much better and regain control of their lives again. I do know the impending doom feeling , i used to get that every day i woke up.
You said you are just going to carry on as normal , and i think that is the best thing you can do and just keep saying to yourself , each day is another day and you will soon pass the point where the side effects stop and you will start to feel your old self again.
In the meantime , no harm in asking the doc's advice on side effects ect , It WILL pass . please keep posting to let us know how you are getting on , I hope you get some relief soon
With love and hugs
Paige :bighug1: xx

10-03-10, 10:52
big :hugs:hun and keep chin up sounds like side effects xxxxxxx

11-03-10, 12:43
Thanks Paige and Foxy for taking the time to reply to me yesterday, I think you both know me well enough by now to realise that I was feeling extremely bad.

Your support and ressurance meant a lot and did the trick..I went for a walk to the main road with my daughter as she had an appt at the opticians..then we decided to walk home as well. :yesyes:

Thanks for being there for me :hugs:

11-03-10, 13:37
Personally i wouldnt touch meds, it doesnt solve the problem it only hides it away....

Positive mind and facing your fears is what is needed hun x

11-03-10, 13:44
Thats not a very helpful thing to say when someone hates the thought of taking meds but can see no other option.

I know Ladybird well enough to know this wouldnt have been an easy decision for her and it will have taken a great deal of courage to admit to another person that she was struggling so badly.

Maybe keep such thoughts to yourself in future.

Sorry I've not been around for you LadyB. I've been going through the mill myself lately too. Glad you've taken some positive steps though and you're getting out and about a bit.

PM me anytime if you need a shoulder hun :hugs:

Sue xx

11-03-10, 14:18
Thats not a very helpful thing to say when someone hates the thought of taking meds but can see no other option.

I know Ladybird well enough to know this wouldnt have been an easy decision for her and it will have taken a great deal of courage to admit to another person that she was struggling so badly.

Maybe keep such thoughts to yourself in future.

Sorry I've not been around for you LadyB. I've been going through the mill myself lately too. Glad you've taken some positive steps though and you're getting out and about a bit.

PM me anytime if you need a shoulder hun :hugs:

Sue xxsurley on this site we have to look at others opiniun ,,as thats why we are on here ,dont think you shoul pass jugement on what peole say

11-03-10, 14:39
Hi Ladybird, the first few weeks of any SSRI may cause all kinds of physical and emotional effects. Try to ride them out, seek help and reassurance if you need it, and once your body begins to accept the medication you should start feeling better.

SSRIs certainly do not hide a problem. If someone is ill with anxiety or depression, they know about it. SSRIs help people to cope with the emotional and physical symptoms of their illness, and to improve their mood, so that they regain the motivation to help themselves via other forms of therapy.

It's up to the individual whether they decide to try medication. At the end of the day most illnesses can be treated with medication of some type.

11-03-10, 14:51
surley on this site we have to look at others opiniun ,,as thats why we are on here ,dont think you shoul pass jugement on what peole say

Ladybird was looking for support, not a different opinion. I'm sure if she were she would have asked for it and if i disagree what someone says, I damn well will pass judgement just as you have.


11-03-10, 14:58
dont you curse e who do you think you are. whats up cant you take what you give everyone on here has an illness we all try to help ,,

11-03-10, 15:04
Telling someone not to take meds when they are struggling is not helpful do you think?

At what point have you been helpful here Gypsy. Your only reason for posting here was to have a dig at my reply, you've not been so caring hey?

11-03-10, 15:04
Ladies please.....
lady was asking for support not an argument.
Please try to keep it civil.


11-03-10, 15:05
Has someone put something in the water of nmp members recently because there seems to be an awful lot of arrogance and disrespectfulness going around on some posts.:lac:

11-03-10, 15:08
i am very caring ,,more than you seem to think ,, why are you continuing this i suffer like everyone else on here i help when i can ,, no i didnt reply to thread i was going to ,ut then read what you wrote telling people what they shouldnt say ,, you are bang out of order ,, dont you write to me like this its ,not called for

11-03-10, 15:10
Yes Gypsy, you have always been very supportive and kind to others. You have nothing to worry about here. Don't let other people's negative attitudes affect you. You've done no wrong.
Myra :hugs:

11-03-10, 15:13
:doh:There also seems to be a lot of sweeping judgements about what people do and dont do without knowing anything about a persons situation.

If no medication works for someone, then thats fantastic but not eveyone is the same so you can't assume what works for you will necessarily work for everyone else.

I'll pour cold water on myself now and shut up :)

Sorry if I've offended anyone, especially LadyB. My offer still stands hun :hugs:

11-03-10, 15:19
its me who wants an apoligy you cursed at me ,,

11-03-10, 15:26
Hi ladies, there's no reason for this argument, I agree that I felt the post about SSRIs not working to be unhelpful but it was just someone's opinion, so why don't we all forget it and move on. There has been way too much arguing going on lately.

11-03-10, 15:26
You've had your say gypsy and i've had mine. I apologised to everyone although I stand by what i've said previously. Now lets be grown ups and drop it hey?

11-03-10, 15:28
so the d.m word is ok by you is it well not in mybook its like telling me to keep my mouth shut

11-03-10, 15:33
If this is to continue please take it to PMs or I'll start deleting replies. This doesn't need aired on the open forum.
I'm not taking sides, just saying this is the end of it on the forum.

11-03-10, 15:38
You know i did come on here to reply to ladybird so i will do that now.

Lady.... Yup these meds can take a wee while to get into our systems and we can get these horrible side effects before we feel the full benefit of the medication. It's not pleasant but they don't usualy last too long.

I really hope you feel better soon hun
Thinking of you

Lou 1
11-03-10, 15:41
i used to feel like that about meds but, sometimes it comes to the point where we all need a little releif and to give ourselves a break - and the meds help us to do that! Ladybird, i was given citalopram yesterday but havent yet started taking them yet. i've only ever had beta blockers. But the feeling in ur stomach is exactly i get (i added a post today about it) it feels horrible almost like butterflies but a lot worse and it makes me feel like something bads about to happen too. For u it may be a side effect of the citalopram but as i havent started taking them yet for me it isn't.
All the best x

11-03-10, 17:02
Wasnt looking to start an argument but im more than allowed to share my opinion. All I am saying is that medication doesnt cure people with anxiety/panic disorder....

The fear of fear as stated in Dr Claire Weekes excellent books is what keeps the cycle going, adrenalin, negative thoughts, faer of symptoms...

You need to break this cycle and go with it regardless of how you feel. I am sure people will agree this to be the best piece of advice with regards to moving on from this horrible condition!!!

11-03-10, 17:15
hi rs it prob doesnt cure anxiety but it does help an awful lot of people being on medication ,i can vouch for that from in the past , sometimes we get to a stage where we just cant cope without them, and i admire anyone who takes them at the end of the day ,different things work for different people we are all different

11-03-10, 17:22
hi rs it prob doesnt cure anxiety but it does help an awful lot of people being on medication ,i can vouch for that from in the past , sometimes we get to a stage where we just cant cope without them, and i admire anyone who takes them at the end of the day ,different things work for different people we are all different

Correct Amanda, horses for coures, now hopefully heated debate over ;)

It's nearly Friday after all :)

11-03-10, 17:50
yes and i hope you feel better soon ladybird

11-03-10, 18:29
Well done for taking a positive step in trying to overcome this LB. I know from your previous posts that you've resisted going on meds.

I think that while meds don't obviously cure us they can give us that "push" or motivation we need when things just become too much.

I hate taking meds but for me anyway the alternative is far worse.

As others have said, the symptoms you're getting is very common to starting these types of meds, and unfortunately they don't work immediately, but I hope you start to see some benefits soon.

11-03-10, 18:53
Wow..what did I do? Can't leave you lot alone for a few hours..:D
Seriously, thank you all. I know you have my welfare at heart and I do appreciate the support i get from whoever is able to respond, I also understand when people don't feel up to replying.

For Turbo, I feel I need to respond to your posts. I'm not sure how old you are or what your own anxieties are. I am 46 yrs old and have had agoraphobia and panic attacks for more than 20 years but have always carried on as normally as possible.
I have raised a family of 5 children and worked 2 jobs, at no time did I "back out" of family holidays and such because of the way I was feeling.
I have been to the doctor once for help with the above and was referred for a short period of exposure therapy.

I did not go to the doctors for anxiety issues, I went because I was suicidally depressed and believe me, it was an extremely difficult step for me to take to even admit that I couldn't cope with what life was throwing at me.
Some of you know my situation, others don't and I won't go into it here, suffice to say that I needed help.

You are of course entitled to your opinion but can I ask that you read some of my previous posts before you make generalisations? (Yes, I know there's a load of them!)

Last week I couldn't function, this week I can. I need to. I refuse to feel like my depression was down to having the wrong attitude or me not facing my fears..I face my fears every day hun.

By the way..I have got the Claire Weekes book. I refer to them as little as possible beause I know what I have to do and ususally do it.

People, no hard feeling between yourselves eh? Today is a good day and what you have written supporting me has made it even better.

Thank you :hugs:

11-03-10, 19:02
Phew Mrs LB,

Glad you can see the funny side but we only played up because you left us no sweeties :roflmao:

I'm glad you're feeling better this week hun, the side effects can be pretty bad can't they? But you're over the worst, you'll be swinging from the lampshades soon lol

Big hugs :hugs:


11-03-10, 19:03
Dear Ladybird I don't know your full story but then I don't need to either. I can relate to your feelings of being suicidally depressed and like yourself have worked and tried to function as best I could. I'm offering a big cyber hug to you. I have resisted meds in the past but I'm on them now for the longterm future. I even managed to come of dothiepin recently after being on it for sixteen years. I know you have resisted meds in the past but sometimes we need that extra support for without my meds I would probably become seriously ill. So I admire your courage and I'm sorry you are feeling rotton at the moment. It will pass as your body gets used to your meds. I haven't forgotton how kind you were in the chat room to me. I hope that you begin to feel better. EJ.

11-03-10, 19:06

It is such a hard decision to make isn't it? I hope the side effects leave, and you can get the benefits from the medication soon. I went through anxiety hell for about a month- then again when my dosage was upped.

I am quite proud that you and your daughter walked home! I know that is a huge step for you- AND taking meds/not taking meds is such a personal choice. If anyone can do it without meds- good on them....I can't!

11-03-10, 19:14
Ladybird I did reply again on your sleep thread on the citalopram forum ..I did have a bad time on the tabs for a few weeks .So know how difficult it can be ..It does get better and I hope you feel better soon .They enabled me to tackle my anxiety and I tried to avoid taking thes types of meds too .I honestly wish I had started taking them earlier .I didnt realise how depressed I had become until i felt better . Try to take each day at a time ,before you know it you will be feeling able to cope once again ,im sure .t/c Sue x:hugs::hugs:

11-03-10, 19:16
Ladybird I did reply again on your sleep thread on the citalopram forum ..I did have a bad time on the tabs for a few weeks .So know how difficult it can be ..It does get better and I hope you feel better soon .They enabled me to tackle my anxiety and I tried to avoid taking thes types of meds too .I honestly wish I had started taking them earlier .I didnt realise how depressed I had become until i felt better . Try to take each day at a time ,before you know it you will be feeling able to cope once again ,im sure .t/c Sue x:hugs::hugs:

I agree! I wish I would've taken meds sooner x

11-03-10, 20:39
Ahh, when someone is clinically depressed then yes I agree that certain medication can help to relieve some of the depressing thoughts and suicidal tendancies. I worked within mental health services for years so am well up on it. However, the point I am making is about anxiety and panic attacks. Lets not make the comment that anxiety and depression are the same thing..depression is an illness whereas anxiety disorder is a state of mind, not a chemical imbalance like bi polar, depression, schizophrenia. Im not saying anxiety is easy to overcome, far from it but its the approach that people take when dealing with the horrendous symptoms that is important i.e. not hiding away!