View Full Version : last therapy session

10-03-10, 10:25
its my last session today and im really upset about it its art therapy and i have really enjoyed it and have made some nice friends that im now gonna loose wich sucks

i have lernt alot going there and i new it was for 20 weeks but still its upsetting when it comes to an end i mean where doi go form here i thik im bk in step one agin feling like this

hopers xx

10-03-10, 13:50
Oh hun, its sad that its ending for you but maybe you can keep in touch with the friends you've made there, you don't have to leave them behind just because you're leaving.
Maybe you can meet up for a coffee once a week or something?
Ask if there is any other therapy you can go to because its helped you so much. Good luck today hunny xxxxx :hugs:

10-03-10, 19:57
Dear Hopers I'm sorry that you are finding it difficult to leave the group. If you still have issues then you need to ask the therapist whether there is a follow on group you can go to? If you have CPN or psychiatrist/GP they might be able to put you in touch with other facilities?. 'Therapy' is rarely open ended usually it is for a fixed period of time. It is hard when it comes to the time to leave. You will have made friends/relationships with the other people in the group and with the therapist. It is all part of the therapeutic process and if your therapist is a good one he should be helping you to face up to the feelings that you will have about leaving. There will be other groups though and art therapy is very specialised. You might be able to take up art as an evening class when you feel up to it. Yes I have had art therapy in the past and built up a large 'portfolio of pictures all now destroyed.

11-03-10, 19:59

Yes, you must have made some close friend at the Art therapy. You need to make efforts to stay in touch

I too had to finish a therapy and it was in our common interest to stay in touch. We all meet up twice a month for a meal and usually ends up as \n open session of therapy. For me, it is a lifeline

11-03-10, 21:02
Ohhh hopers,
Could you not join another coarse of somekind?? sounds like that one has been so good for you. Well i hope you find something else like that, really i do. Don't worry hopers, something else will come along, you just see,,,,
Regards your mate Wayne,