View Full Version : feel as though i am being threatened by work

10-03-10, 11:14
sorry folks i just need a bit of a moan and some advice maybe. i have had a lot of time off work this last 12 months due to panic and anxiety. at the moment i had been signed off for 4 weeks adn went back on monday, i only lasted a day 4-5 panic attacks during the day and really felt like runing out. i couldn't face going back so i have used up annual leave for this week adn i was on holiday anyway next. gp has upped my meds yesterday to sertraline 100mg. i have always been straight with my line manager about what is happening and i have tried to battle on until things get too much for me and then i end up going off. i have just come back this morning from seeing a psychologist for first vist and wehn i opened my email there was a message from my line manager saying that it was ok to take leave but they cannot support this absence indefinately and that i really need to think about what i want to do. i cannot afford to be out of a job and i just feel like other people get away with murder and when i am genuinely struggling to manage i am in the wrong. i have a meeting next week with occupational health but right at this minute i feel like telling them to shove there job - caring nhs.sorry i am just upset and angry and feel i don't need this stress as well.

10-03-10, 11:30
Hiya Jackie
I know exactly where you are coming from,I used to work in an enviroment with all men and i just couldnt open up...It all got too much and ended up leaving I loved the job but was working 60hrs+ so wasnt ideal..I just wanted someone to grab hold of me and say its ok we understand maybe that would have made it more bearable.I too am on sertraline 50mg

Can you reduce your hrs? The one thing I would not recomend is to give it up completely,I did that and now I am sat at home all day with too much thinking going on....or you could look for a part time job which is what i am doing at moment.

sending big hug cos i DO understand

10-03-10, 11:59
Hiya Jackie
I know exactly where you are coming from,I used to work in an enviroment with all men and i just couldnt open up...It all got too much and ended up leaving I loved the job but was working 60hrs+ so wasnt ideal..I just wanted someone to grab hold of me and say its ok we understand maybe that would have made it more bearable.I too am on sertraline 50mg

Can you reduce your hrs? The one thing I would not recomend is to give it up completely,I did that and now I am sat at home all day with too much thinking going on....or you could look for a part time job which is what i am doing at moment.

sending big hug cos i DO understand

thanks wendy. the annoying thing is that i was managing well and really enjoy where i work. i have thought about asking if i can do part time instead or look for something else but as we all know its not the ideal time. i do not want to be at home all the time bad enough when off sick it would drive me mad and we can't afford for me not to work. i don't think it would do me any favours anyway health wise i need to keep busy its what i am used to. how are you doing on the sertraline? :)

10-03-10, 16:05
I was in the same position Jackie. I worked for the local authority in a busy social work team and ended up leaving in December 2009 after two and a half years service. I had a number of sickness episodes during this time and as a result had to produce a one day sick note at anytime I was off sick, this only increased the pressures on me.

I worked in a busy team of 21, 20 of which were Woman and I hated it in the end. I was feeling stressed and anxious daily and in the end I gave my notice in. I have since been looking for work and have been struggling financially. Do I regret leaving, Nope not one bit but maybe I should not have let my anxious thoughts and feelings dictate so much which resulted in me feeling so uncomfortable in the office.

The search for work continues...

andrea thompson
10-03-10, 16:32
hi hon
i had a bout of anxiety and depression years ago and ended up going on the sick for months and i never went back. i was working in a call centre and i didnt get much sympathy from the management there. i am glad i left and it didnt take me long to find something that suited me better.

i am in a different job now and struggling at the moment and been off sick quite a lot but my managers have been really supportive.

at the end of the day - you have rights. you are ill and need time off... end of!!!! you do not have to leave. i understand there concerns but they are there to support you as their employee. keep any emails they send you and take advice if neccesary.

take care hon - dont take any crap off them...

andreax x

10-03-10, 18:06
thanks for the replies folks. i am sorry to hear that you have been in the same postion. it just seems that life can be so hard sometimes and just seems to kick more when i am down anyway. i am going to really think about what i want to do but at the moment i am inclined to try and get out of department and do something less pressured, depends if they will swap me if not may just have to bite the bullet and leave. no job is worth making myself ill for. keep well everyone.

10-03-10, 18:21
hi jackie, i also work for the NHS, ambulance service, if it ant consolation they are no better, i have suffered from panic attacks for about a year now and like yours my line manager is starting to quote Bradford index scores and i have already been down the occie health rout, i have to say they where great and sent recermendations to the service on how they could help me, but the service refuse to impiment them as it means taking me of the ambulance and onto an FRV, i wish i could give you some better feedback but at least you know its not just you..

11-03-10, 17:10
i have brought occy health appointmnet forward to monday next week so i can see what they have to say and then it gives me time next week to decide what i want to do. thanks everyone for your replies i am only sorry that you have been in the same position.:)

11-03-10, 18:38
Jackie I really feel for you. It's horrible when you are feeling anxious and are trying to cope with your job. It happened to me recently and my doctor advised me to have some time off. I was off for almost 6 weeks. When I returned to work I felt so much better though, so I was very fortunate. I also work for the nhs. They have double standards for different people. I know people who are off at the drop of a hat and get away with it. I know others who come back coincidently when their pay is going to drop by half after 6 months!! I could write a book. Yet they've got the cheek to say they can't support your illness indefinitely! You may well find that occy health do support you and advise you what to do next. You need support with your anxiety and there are rules and regulations now about how employers deal with their employees without harassing them. Don't feel guilty about being off because your health comes first. You've maybe gone back too soon. I really hope you get it all sorted out and this will be a weight off your mind.
Myra :hugs:

11-03-10, 19:42
[QUOTE=myra;629992]Jackie I really feel for you. It's horrible when you are feeling anxious and are trying to cope with your job. It happened to me recently and my doctor advised me to have some time off. I was off for almost 6 weeks. When I returned to work I felt so much better though, so I was very fortunate. I also work for the nhs. They have double standards for different people. I know people who are off at the drop of a hat and get away with it. I know others who come back coincidently when their pay is going to drop by half after 6 months!! I could write a book. Yet they've got the cheek to say they can't support your illness indefinitely! You may well find that occy health do support you and advise you what to do next. You need support with your anxiety and there are rules and regulations now about how employers deal with their employees without harassing them. Don't feel guilty about being off because your health comes first. You've maybe gone back too soon. I really hope you get it all sorted out and this will be a weight off your mind.

thanks myra i know exactly what you mean by double standards. we had someone in our office who they bent over backwards for let her cut her hours everything and blowing my own trumpet i work a lot harder than she ever did but heigh ho thats the way it goes one rule for one etc. i am goign to try and not worry until i see occy health on monday and see what they suggest and go from there.

11-03-10, 19:55
i have found out that most work places have double standards and it always seems those that dont work so hard and cause more trouble get better thought of, it dosnt seem fair does it when you are obviosly trying your best to go to work that they cant support you

12-03-10, 08:05
i have found out that most work places have double standards and it always seems those that dont work so hard and cause more trouble get better thought of, it dosnt seem fair does it when you are obviosly trying your best to go to work that they cant support you

my thoughts exactly. will update on monday after occy health appointment.:)

13-03-10, 01:14

Please remember that every employer in the UK has a duty of care towards their employees. Whether they like it or not.

It is not just a case of providing a safe working enviroment but also one that is as stress free as possible. In other words if your job is the cause or contributes in any way towards your stresses or anxieties then let them know. If they ignore it then they can be taken to task over it.

The law will protect you over such issues.

13-03-10, 01:17
Hi Jackie

I got signed off work 22 months ago as i started getting bad panic attacks at work which were not helped by a bullying boss

I work for the nhs and they have been no support to be whatsoever. They have made things as difficult as they can for me

They asked me to see occ health which i did after a year and half off work.

They have written to work to say its not in my best interest to go back, yet work are now writing to me to find out when in my opinion can i come back.

i feel if they supported me when i was first off work, maybe i could of coped and got back to work.

however they refuse to do anything re my manager,and just expect me to go back after 2 years to a place where none of the staff talk to me now and a manager who talks down to me and constanlty told me if i cant do my job properly he will get someone who can

good luck with occ health

mandie x

13-03-10, 08:50
Mandie, I also feel for you. What a horrible position to be in. Also the fact that the rest of the staff won't talk to you - what's it got to do with them anyway? It is your health that is top priority here. What I would say is that it doesn't sound like the kind of place I would like to work in. At least when I went back to work after being off I had a great reception. I know it is very very difficult, but do you think another job may make you feel better about going to work? Work plays a big part in our lives and if we are desperately unhappy there then it's not fair on ourselves. I know it's not easy finding another job, and that you're still feeling anxious, but I would seriously consider my future in the job you are in. You deserve more.

13-03-10, 10:55
mandi i am sorry you have had so little help from work. i think that if people cannot see what is wrong - like a broken bone or something it is very difficult for them to understand and i know that i find it very hard to describe clearly how i am feeling. things will improve i'm sure but as myra said maybe you need to think about what you wnat to do i know that is what i am doing at the moment. take care x