View Full Version : Extra help.

10-03-10, 12:01
Well today the Doctor has now given me Diazepam too,,,the nurse said yesterday it was either that or valium..I'm relieved to be honest because i have some real low moments that scare me! So now i can just pop a diazepam when i feel it coming on,,,and that is good! Because i do get so scared and upset sometimes!!!!
Well with being on Mirtazapine 45mg, diazepam, and zopiclone life should be easier now,,,i hope,,,lol. Dr said the diazepam can become addictive but you know,,,you get to the point where addiction is the least of your worries, don't you?.
I broke down crying at the doctors this morning i just got so low again, i don't like being on so many meds inside,,,but right now i don't care because i just want to feel happy again...
This illness plays havoc with your emotions!!! Oh well grumble over!!!!
Regards Redrainbow,

10-03-10, 12:36
Hiya, I have diazpeam too, I take them when I need them and it really does help. Sorry to hear you are upset and down, please dont feel guilty about taking the meds. I get like that too at times but then I just remind myself that people take medication for all sorts of illnesses so why are we any different. If you have to take meds to help you and they allow you to lead a "normal" life then so be it!!! Take care and hope you feel better soon. Jo.

10-03-10, 12:42
Hi Red

I hope the extra meds improve things for you.
You're right it does play havock with your emotions doesn't it?! My anx seems to come in spells now rather than constant (the way it used to be). I am so happy when i don't have the dreaded 'A' hanging over me yet when i do have it, i get very emotional, snappy, teary...a whole mish mash of emotion.

Hang in there hun and i hope you beging to feel better real soon.


10-03-10, 12:49
Aww hun,

I hope things start improving for you soon, its awful when you're feeling so low and emotional.

You're doing so well by opening up and talking about it and going to see the doc, i hope the meds kick in very soon and start working for you.

best wishes

di xx

10-03-10, 13:11
Been on different meds for 4 months now! But nurse told me yesterday it's finding the right ones can sometimes be the hard part. I can't deny i am certainly getting lots of help, shrink, mental health nurse, crissis team and all my meds, and all my friends on here!
You know the bit that gets me is it can come on so fast,,,the anxiety and depression. It's sometimes just like a switch being turned on, i can now feel when it's coming on, the fear and dread inside my head and chest,,if that makes sense, don't think it does!!!
Oh don't get me wrong,,,i'm glad i'm on Diazepam aswell,,,i can take up to 3 a day whenever i feel it coming on, i take one,,,thats good,,,,it will help me!
The silly thing is, such little things can get to me nowadays, in a big way too,,,stupid things! They just dwell into big things inside my head!
I'm not feeling sorry for myself right now,,,just getting things of my chest i think!!! lol, well think thats what i'm doing. Strange really, everytime i see my mental heath nurse i feel so tired, drained and emotional afterwards!!! I don't know, nurse yesterday,,,Dr today,,,no wonder i'm feeling tired right now!!!

10-03-10, 23:04
Hi Red

Hope you feel better soon.. you are doing incredibly well holding it together so be proud.

Your emotions have been on an ongoing roller coaster teamed with medication and talking bout things will be tiring.. Hope the diazepam works and gives you a chance to have a rest..that's probably what you need.

I'm off to bed this worker ant is exhausted and still another two days and doing face to face work tomorrow so need some sleep ... hugs sent x

10-03-10, 23:11
I understand the depression coming on like a switch has been flicked. It happens to me as well, and your right you can feel it coming.. I wish I had diazepam to help me. 'Cos I don't know what to do when it happens.. I usually just go to sleep if I can, that way I don't have to deal with the horrible feeling. When I get like that its like NOTHING will make me happy again, I cannot see ANY happiness, it is all dark and I just want to die to have it over with. I cannot stand it and to be honest I get pretty anxious about it happening because its so horrible. When you have a panic attack there are lots of methods to calm yourself and cope - when you have a depressive attack please tell me what on earth is there?


12-03-10, 18:24
To be honest rachel i'm finding meds the best way to get through it! Don't you have any meds??? If not i would see if i could get some if i were you, the effects can be rough at first but ware off a little as your body gets used to them.
All the feelings you also describe above i know are awful. Best to get through it anyway you can i think,
Regards Redrainbow