View Full Version : Scratched eyeball

10-03-10, 12:44
I scratched mine quite badly 2 weeks ago and I can still feel where the scratch is, is that normal?

10-03-10, 12:50
Is it affecting your sight ? Try not to rub it and keep it clean .It will eventually heal ,just takes time .If you get any discharge go to the Drs ,you might need some antibiotic drops .. T/c Sue x

10-03-10, 13:04
Thanks for the reply, I did go to eye casualty as I had something stuck, they removed it and I used antibiotic cream for a week.

It doesn't hurt it's just irritating!

10-03-10, 13:13
Thats good ..It will heal but eyes are very delicate and take a while ..Try not to rub it as I said ,it will only aggravate it more ...Hope it feels better soon .Sue x

10-03-10, 15:15
I rang the hospital and they asked me to come in so I am going shortly to have it checked out.:)

10-03-10, 17:44
How did you get on ? Did they put that yellow stuff in your eye ? My husband had some drops in a sachet you kept in the fridge ,and some cream to put in his eye when he scratched his .His was very painful and red tho .It took a while to heal even with all that .Hope you got it sorted .even if it was peace of mind ..Sue

10-03-10, 19:10
Hi thanks for keeping replying.:) They put the yellow drops in and had a look, the scratch has actually healed really well but I have a viral infection in my eye now, which is why it hurts.:doh:

At least I know what it is so I'm not worrying about it now. Just got to keep putting the antibiotic ointment on for another week.

10-03-10, 19:25
Your welcome ..Glad you got it sorted out .It shouldnt take long for the ointment to work .nice of you to let me know .Take care .Luv Sue x