View Full Version : Eye Worries - Pls. if you know anything

10-03-10, 12:47
Hi, I haven't been on here in awhile and I thought I was doing better. But I am losing my grip today after having visited the optometrist.

A few months ago I woke up (just one time) with one blurry eye. Just once, but it was so blurry I couldn't see normally from it until the end of the day. I went to the eye ER and they performed tests but could offer no explanation except that they determined I have dry eyes. I did some internet research and concluded I must have slept with my eye slightly open and dried out my cornea temporarily. It has not happened since.

Today I was to see my optometrist and told him about the event and said I just wanted a check-up. He said the event sounded like a sudden change of pressure in my eye, although I didn't have any pain or nausea. He fully evaluated my eyes and said the only slightly odd thing that he noticed is that in the eye in which I had the blurry episode, my retinal blood vessels are slightly more 'twisty' than those in my right eye. He said it's no real cause for concern, but usually the blood vessel structure looks similar in both eyes and in my case, they vary a little. He told me not to worry, but just to be on the safe side, to ask my doctor to measure my blood pressure, iron and do a diabetes test. I don't exhibit any signs of diabetes but just to be sure.

Just the thought that my right eye might not be getting enough oxygen is starting to make me panic. I did the most awful thing and googled it - bad idea. Does anyone have varying blood vessel structures in their eyes or ever had an episode of blurriness? I want to believe there is nothing to worry about, otherwise I'll just count the minutes until my next appt. and silently panicking....

10-03-10, 13:09
yes it can be caused by anxiety ..Get some dry eye drops from the pharmacy ,they will help .Try not to get over anxious as it will just make it worse ..Anything to do with your blood pressure the Dr will sort out .Im sure its nothing serious ..Sue x

10-03-10, 13:11
I know your worried and I know exactly how you feel about counting down the minutes but if its any concellation in you reread your post you will see that you say that it hasnt happened since the optomotritst said that it was no cause for concern and that you dont exhibit any of the symptoms. :hugs:

I too have had episodes of blurriness in one eye but Im not as brave as you are to go and have it checked :wacko:

Sorry I cant help you more but I saw that you hadnt had any replies and didnt want you to think that you were alone on here :hugs:

10-03-10, 16:49
Thank you very much for your replies. I keep wondering if I have diabetes and don't know it - something like that. Although I am thin and feel otherwise healthy, I did have two babies over 9 lbs. and have a few of the complaints on the symptoms list, so my imagination is running wild. Ugh! I hate this....

10-03-10, 17:16
Two 9lb babies :scared15:

The thing I find that helps me is if I say to myself If something happens I will deal with it.

Seeing as your normal weight and otherwise healthy I dont think its very likely at all that you would have diabetes.

The blurry eye thing has just freaked you out a bit thats all its made you stressed which has clouded your judgement and brought back all those old feelings of being unsure and frightened but its just a blip and you can deal with it. Go to the docs have the tests done that the eye doctor recommended just to put your mind at rest. :) then when everything comes back clear you can come back here and tell us all your good news :hugs: