View Full Version : Panic panic panic!!

10-03-10, 14:04
Argh you guys!! I've been having a slow burning constant panic over the last few days. I've got a deadline this afternoon and I've been working like crazy but sometimes I feel like a bunny caught in headlights and I just freeze up. I have no time for anything but work. I'm physically shaking and I feel all jittery and I haven't drunken enough coffee to blame it on that! So much adrenaline, and when I sleep I'm exhausted, but then I wake up at night anyway worrying I've overslept when it's still really early... and I have strange dreams... last night I dreamt I was trying to take off my top but it was stuck, and any way I tried to take it off, it just got tighter and I couldn't get it off. I think it's probably something to do with release rather than nakedness!

Anyway spent too long on this, hope everyone else is ok xxx

10-03-10, 14:07
Oh and I meant to say AGRHRHHH I FORGOT
Nothing works
Haven't been calm for ages
Severe anxiety
This afternoon I am going to reward myself even if I don't finish it in time.
But I will!
Please someone else tell me if you've had an experience like this, would be nice to know I'm not the only one!!

10-03-10, 14:08
:hugs:the only answer to yoru problem is SLOW DOWN - DRINK WATER INSTEAD OF COFFEE:ohmy:
You will find you work better with a bit of 'time out' to recharge your batteries:yesyes:
Best wishes
PS just looked at your profile - I see you are a student.
basically - welcome to the stresses of student life........
Seriously organise yoru time.
On left of screen there is losts of info - symptoms (problems and issues) and in the 'self help section.
Use reading this as relaxing from yoru deadline.

10-03-10, 14:16
have you tried propanadol there very good for anxiety ,they slow the adrenlin gland so you relax more ,, sure you will be fime i get strange dreamssince i have had anxiety ,think its our brains working overtime

10-03-10, 14:23
What you doing to yourself Lior?

Take a break - you seem to have gone all hyper on us! Too much coffee will do you no good. Take your top off just to make yourself feel better....

I know deadlines are stressful but you seem intelligent enough to me to do well.

And as June says, you need a bit of time to re-charge. Dealing with stress is inescapable but you need to have rest periods in-between too.

Have a nice day Lior.

11-03-10, 13:35
Thanks guys - panic over. I just needed to keep on working until I was finished. I've done it now - not to the best standard possible but I've done all I could in the time I had. I went to see Alice In Wonderland to treat myself and it was really good :)

There was this bit in it where Alice says 'This is my dream, and you can't tell me what I am going to do - I'm the one in control of my own dream, not you!' It's alluding to all the strict rules in Victorian society. But it still applies now - everyone expects you to take a certain path, but you have to do it your own way to be happy.

So I'm doing things my way now, and not what other people want me to do. I'm the one in control of my own life, and it's up to me if I'm happy or not.

I've had a fairly restful morning in comparison - next to no work, more of a play about with ideas, and a very long coffee break :)

I'm going to have a stab at my essay now :) hope everyone's having a good Thursday xx