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View Full Version : scared about medication

10-03-10, 17:53
i am going to be having an appointment with my doctor regarding the possibilities of taking long term medication for my anxiety, what i cannot get my head round is how anti-depressants can work for anxiety when i have been told by my doctor anxiety and depression are not the same thing, yet some of the anti-depression medication works for anxiety

i am already scared about taking long term medication and after reading about all the differant types and what they can and cannot do and side effects etc, i am now even more scared about it

i have had anxiety for over a year and its not getting any better, i am on a short term course of diazepam just now, 1 tablet a day of 2mg, but as my anxiety seems to be getting worse and not better, the next step has to be looked into

i have tried the herbal tablets, the passiflora ones which are good for anxiety and were recommended to me but they make me feel sick

i read all the information on here about the medications and stuff, as i though it might make it clearer for me to see what other people have experienced etc and some of the side effects they cause i get with my anxiety anyway, i am just really confusd and scared now

i have no problem taking medication for migraines or anything else, so its not the whole against medication thing, i just cannot get my head round it all

can anyone offer any advice :unsure: :shrug:

12-03-10, 11:45
Hi moomintroll, I can't explain the chemistry or whatever but although ssris and tricyclics are called ADs, many of them are also licensed as a treatment for anxiety, so are recognised as such.

Taking anything is a scary prospect and it can be a case of trial and error to get the right one for you but you might hit the jackpot first time and many people don't get side effects.

I hopr you have a good doc who can guide you through this if you decide to try this route:hugs:

12-03-10, 12:08
Hi I have been on medication for last 5 years, I hate taking tablets but these are helping me live a normal life. i'm on cipalex 20g.