View Full Version : Legs & arms jumping

10-03-10, 18:20
Hi all! I'm new to this forum after Googling my issue and finding this (yeah, I know, Dr. Google at work again!) and I'm happy to have found you!

I think I've always had a little health anxiety back to when I was a child but didn't develop the real deal until 2006 after the birth of my third baby. I then had really bad panic attacks and lost pretty much a year of my life to the debilitating effects of having health anxiety day in and day out. I went to the ER, had bloodwork, ultrasounds, and MRI the whole nine yards and the best anyone could do was send me home on Lexapro and Xanax and call it a day. I ended up having a toxic reaction to the Lexapro and wow did that make a mess of me for the following 18mo.

Anyway, I managed to get things under control on my own without meds and had been panic/anxiety free for almost four years. I was even able to go back to full strength coffee.... fast forward to December. It seems the death of Brittany Murphy (actress in US, 32, young, cardiac arrestn- could be me!) has triggered my health anxiety all over again and I've been having some trouble talking myself down.

Went from heart sensations, to chest discomfort, to a few small panic attacks that I was able to manage ok. My homelife right now is chatoic with financial issues, caring for four children, and running a home business at the same time. I'm also early pregnant.

Sorry this is so long, but my problem de week is that my legs and arms tend to jump throughout the day and night. I can be sitting at the computer or anywhere and my leg or arm will twitch/jump.. sometimes it's my head...and of course I'm freaking out that I have a neurological problem going on. I thought it was caffeine induced but I really started worrying when I stopped drinking it this week and the jumps continue... I also have the usual anxiety twitching (eyes, various parts of my body) but this is not skin twitching but muscle jumps... I'm pretty much terrified as I have no health insurance and to be honest, I am terrified of what they would find..

Sorry so long - help! :(

11-03-10, 02:56
Oh no... my worst fear is coming true. I'm the only one that has this??? Nobody? Anybody

11-03-10, 03:29
Hi, hon, sorry you are going through this. With four children and one on the way, no wonder you are twitching! Kidding aside, my arms and legs jump too. I can be sitting at the computer with my hands hovering over the keyboard and all of a sudden, my hand will jerk. My legs do it too. I had an EMG and it was normal. Since you are pregnant (with a lot of other stuff on your plate) your hormones could be causing the twitching.

You will get more answers tomorrow. It is the middle of the night in Europe where many of the posters live. Try to get a good night's sleep!


11-03-10, 09:24
hi sorry you are feeling so bad, if you look at some of my previous posts i have also posted this, at the time it scared the living daylights out of me but since something else has come along and took its place i dont seem to notice it anymore. You sound like you have got a busy life going on at the moment so maybe you are a bit vitamin defecient which can also cause this problem, if you are really really worried go along to your gp and have a chat xxxxx