View Full Version : Back from Docs Again!

10-03-10, 18:27
So I have been to the docs 3 times in the last seven days :(
Its all to do with my left breast, posted info a couple of days back. For last two days it has been painful and achey but when I touch it, it does not hurt it is more like a ongoing ache and when I stretch. Also have pain in my shoulder. My fear is imflamortory breast cancer and after googling before I was convinced but my doctor thinks otherwise.

Sometimes my fears as so real that I dont know what is real anymore and that drives me mad.

My right breast is starting to hurt now as well, doctor says I am very stressed and thinks my rashes and itching are all anxiety based. I have been checked by two different doctors and they can see no worrying or changes in my breast.

I know the mind is a powerful thing, as I seem to have big time Health Anxiety Issues. I can go months with feeling well and then bang it comes back with evengence !

Why can I not accept what the doctors are saying? :shrug:

10-03-10, 19:12
because its hard when you are so anxious.

It is horrible to know on one level that it is anxiety, and yet on another, more sort of primitive, survival level feel so sure something is wrong.

My head says I am okay, my emotions say no am not. This inner argument causes so much stress.

I hope you get some respite from all the worrying - Hugs

10-03-10, 19:22
Simple pain and tenderness is not particularly considered a sign of breast cancer. What is most likely is that you've been poking and prodding so much that it really does hurt now.

If you can't find a lump at all then you have no more chance of having a breast cancer than the next person. If you do find a lump there are still many benign causes, but it does require a breast scan.

If you are under the age of 40 and have no close family history of breast cancer, the chances of you having breast cancer are insignificant.

Generally women over 40, depending on the policies of their countries health system, so have regular breast scans to screen for tumours. That way you catch them early, hopefully at a point where they are almost universally curable.

11-03-10, 13:57
Thanks for your replies. This morning was ok but this afternoon it is very painful and my shoulder blade area hurts too. Trying to stay positive :)

11-03-10, 14:16
Have you been prodding and poking your breast at all because I find when I do this that I get a achey breast and the pain goes in my shoulder and all down my arm and lasts a good few days too.

11-03-10, 14:20
Hi Jan63, I never stop lifting my breast, prodding poking I know I shouldnt but I am looking for changes. I can not stop thinking about it either.